View Full Version : Blood clots...argh :(

22-05-14, 20:29
Hi guys,

Been a few weeks since I posted, but I've have a few issues..

Anyone Monday night I was out newt recording (yep counting newts lol) and really enjoyed myself. Tuesday I woke up with a slightly swollen right leg, with a red patch that resembles sunburn, thought it now. So full meltdown commences convinced I had a blood clot in my leg, as dr Google says the area is red, swollen and warm to touch ( no pain at this point)

So yesterday, I rang to see the nurse, who to my horror made an ember any appointment to see a doctor, who by the way I have a deep phobia of. Anyone saw her, she dismissed my fear of a blood clot instantly and said it's abit warm and swollen, and gave me antibiotics to take for a week to help clear it up.

However...I don't believe her, I'm totally convinced she wrong. I'm not getting freezing cold feeling in both feet, and occasional prickly feeling in both legs. Along with feeling wobbly/spaced out whatever it is..in full panic mode..am I going completely off the rails here?

Logic says I wouldn't have a blood clot and still be here 4 days later with no treatment, but I'm loosing my mind with worry and panic.

The one thing that's come out of this is the doc is referred me for more CBT, but at the moment the uncontrollable fear of blood clots in my leg is making my GAD even worse.

Please help :(


22-05-14, 21:03
Please help :(

Logic says I wouldn't have a blood clot and still be here 4 days later with no treatment, but I'm loosing my mind with worry and panic.

That's the best way to help you.... Hope you feel better

Positive thoughts

23-05-14, 09:47
Thanks Fish

I know the logic is correct, I dunno how long blood clots last before they do damage, I'm scared to look! :(

Still getting the cold prickly feeling in both feet and the random twinges in my legs. I don't know I'd it's muscle spasms from being so wound up, or something more serious :(

I can't even say I'll go to the docs, I've been...i just dunno how to snap out of this anxiety never ending circle :(


23-05-14, 09:55
If you have a DVT in one leg I'm sure you would only have symptoms in that leg,look at it worse case it will be same, but best it will look better and reduce your anxiety

24-05-14, 13:50
I too am having worries about blood clots, making me sick 2 my stomach. I went 2 the walk in centre in New Years Eve with the same worry and the doctor told me everything was fine I defo didn't have a blood clot and that I had mild sciatica (I was told my the GP a few weeks later that it won't have been sciatica). Anyway I have the exact same symptoms except the pain behind my knee is on the opposite side. I also have a few spider veins there so I am hoping it's just them being a little painful. I get a spasm feeling there sometimes too which make me uneasy. I know all too well that anxiety can cause us to experience pain that isn't 'truly' there but this is really getting me down. I haven't googled this time round thankfully haha, but am terrified none the less. It's not red and I don't think it's swollen (I keep looking at my kegs in the mirror to see if 1 is thicker than the other hehe), and the 'pain' isn't constant but it's horrible to fear this.

24-05-14, 20:31
Anybody? Sorry to bump this up, I have read related posts and do feel a bit better, but I'm still scared half to death. My leg feels 'fuller' than the other 1 if that makes any sense. My jeans also feel a little tighter on that leg but when I measure they seem to be the same.

25-05-14, 00:05
Lots of people on this forum could account for me when i say I have a recurring blood clot fear. If it was a DVT pain would almost certainly accompany the redness and swelling. X

25-05-14, 00:15
Lots of people on this forum could account for me when i say I have a recurring blood clot fear. If it was a DVT pain would almost certainly accompany the redness and swelling. X

You've learned well Grasshopper ;)

Positive thoughts