View Full Version : Infection in Toenail - Loose and Painful

22-05-14, 21:21
I've had a bad fungal nail infection on both of my big toenails since I was about 13/14 (I'm 19 now)... I've tried prescribed tablets and lacquer stuff with no luck and I've just been living with it for some years now. It got to the point where I couldn't trim/file them down myself anymore as they'd become so thickened so I had to book an appointment with a chiropodist two weeks ago.
Since going one of my toes has got considerably worse and my anxiety levels have gone through the roof.

The chiropodist who treated me was completely unsympathetic towards my anxiety about anything medical related (especially toes due to a traumatic injury as a child) and told me twice that one of my nails has become loose. For the first week after the appointment I was fine, but since Tuesday I've been getting pain and some tingling/numbness (?) in that toe. I think I can see underneath the nail on the sides, it's also gone slightly black. Being as squeamish as I am I've had severe anxiety about the nail falling off/having to get it removed. The other night I woke up, had a panic attack and was sick/blacked out... not hugely uncommon for me to black out in the past but it hadn't happened for a few years.

I've booked an appointment with a different chiropodist tomorrow afternoon. My mum spoke to her on the phone and she seems much more understanding of the situation. I also spoke to my doctor and a pharmacist and both of them said it will probably fall off. I'm still really scared and the whole waiting for it to fall off terrifies me. I don't know what to expect and if my panic attack the other day is anything to go by, my reaction won't be good. My parents are no help as neither of them will even look at it which stresses me out even more. I have no idea what my toe looks like underneath and whether it will hurt etc etc. The pain is starting to become unbearable and ibuprofen isn't doing the trick.

Really sorry for the rambly post - my writing goes down the toilet when I'm anxious. I guess what I just wanted to know is if anyone else has experienced losing a toenail (preferably the big one), what it's like and how long it takes to grow back etc. And any recommendations on what to do about the pain. Thanks, and hopefully this is the right subforum.

22-05-14, 21:27
I had both mine removed in my 30s as they refused to stop growing in, I was told they wouldnt grow back but they did, been loads better since then though, they do go black its trauma and want cause you any lasting ill effects, take a pic and post, its very common though, do you pick your toenails?

22-05-14, 21:28
If the pain is really bad you could take 2 paracetamol then 2 hours later 2 ibuprofen. Hopefully the chiropodist tomorrow will be able to help you and reassure you about what will happen with the toe nail.

22-05-14, 23:22
Well, losing a nail in that situation can actually be positive, especially if you feel that your current nail has been loose for a time, which could be indicating that a new one is already growing under it. I've had problems with nail fungus, (still do, but not so much that it would bother me too much) and the stuff that I was using (called Urgo) was like a liquid that I brushed on my nail - among other things, it's supposed to encourage the growth of a healthy nail under the damaged one.

This is really not a big deal to worry about, and the pain is probably only temporary. :)

23-05-14, 17:01
Thanks for the replies guys. Just got back from the new chiropodist and she thinks both nails should be removed surgically... I can't do that. Just the thought gets me lightheaded and feeling sick. I don't think I'd be able to deal with it psychologically. Might get another opinion elsewhere. The first chiropodist I saw thought regular filing with prescribed tablets (terbinafine) would help. I'm just starting another course of that but I'm not holding my breath.

+I've been researching something called Canespro that's sort of like a chemical nail removal. You apply the paste which softens the infected nail and you scrape it off. Takes a few weeks. Has anyone used it? I think I might give that a go. I want to exhaust all available options before I resort to surgery...

23-05-14, 17:23
My husband had his toe nail removed surgically. I think it would be better to do it that way as you won't know anything about it. The sound of scraping it off doesn't appeal to me.

23-05-14, 20:50
Eeek I agree it does sound a bit gross but Its up to you,as for having the nails off Its not really surgery, mine was done with local didn't watch and didn't feel a thing,also would imagine least chance of infection because nothing can get under nail while your trying to scrape it off.