View Full Version : Therapy :)

22-05-14, 21:48
I booked some cbt for Tuesday!
It's private but my gp did recommend her, and seeing my gp again to see how I'm getting on. Feeling good that my gp seems to genuinely care for me. Still worrying about my moles right now, it's moving from one mole to another :( hopefully therapy will help and if not I feel reassured that I'm seeing my gp in a week for an update so if I'm still concerned she can check them for me :) and she is always happy to do so.
Just to say, if anyone is worrying about their health it's definitely worth mentioning to your gp so they understand and recommend the right people, even if they are in the private sector, they can still work collaboratively if you get me?
Thanks everyone for your ongoing support, it means a lot.
L xxx

22-05-14, 21:51
Great advice and good going on taking a positive step! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

23-05-14, 11:36
That's great news Jonesle, and it sounds like you have a really good GP there which is a bonus! Best of luck with the therapy, I know that you'll find it a lot of help. Keep us all update on how you're doing and know that we'll be here to help you through the process if you need it! xx

23-05-14, 21:54
I hope it helps Jonesie good luckx

27-05-14, 23:33
Hi everyone, had my first therapy today. Was an assessment and she talked through some theories.
Mainly the thought, action and feeling triangle, and we decided that instead of thinking I link my feelings (of fear and anxiety) and instead of thinking I quickly go to action (reassurance seeking and symptom checking) which was very interesting.
Talking about "negative automatic thoughts" and how in any psychotherapy books there's no such thing as positive automatic thoughts. We need to learn and practise counteracting our negative thoughts.
We choose how we act and we choose what we do, we choose to worry about tomorrow instead of living for today. Need to make positive choices.
It's going to be hard and requires practise, this won't go away overnight!

28-05-14, 01:49
That's a positive session for sure! A big part of therapy is to challenge our thought process. You're 100% correct in that it's a choice.

"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it" Charles Swindoll

Positive thoughts

28-05-14, 09:42
Really glad to hear you had such a positive first session! Your therapist sounds very good, I hope you'll continue to do good work together. She's helping you to see how we choose anxiety and fear, it's very empowering when you realise you have more control over your mind and life than you previously thought! Best of luck working with her, I think you'll do great :)

10-06-14, 22:25
Had a follow up with my therapist today
She gave me some good techniques for when I struggle (in the car bored, in meetings bored, generally when I'm not stimulated)
She also told me to decide whether what I'm worrying about is "fact" or a "belief" because beliefs are NOT facts, they are thoughts, which again are not facts.
She said to think of my thoughts as bullies which is right, they nip away at you when your feeling low and vulnerable, they pick on your fears. But i need to stand up to my bully. Literally she made me step on a piece of paper with a drawing of my personalised cartoon. Felt less "real" then.
My therapist is great and if I wanna get through this and be the person I want tobe.
Thanks for all of your continued support