View Full Version : Antibiotic reaction?

09-12-06, 23:40
I have a sinus infection (probably) and have been put on antibiotics. I always get scared of taking any medication but I took these without a fuss (unlike last time when I got in a dreadful stress). I now have a rash and am in a dreadful anxiety state and really scared. I do get rashes when I have a virus but I don't know if this is the antibiotics. Need some support. Thanks

Brandy snap
10-12-06, 00:04
It is possible that you could be allergic to your antiobiotics. Could you ring NHS Direct and explain to them exactly what has happened and they will put your mind at rest.

10-12-06, 08:37
I agree with Brandysnap, call NHS24 they will organise you see a doc.

I react to Penacillon and Eurythramicen. Both bring me out in an all over rash and it is very itchy.

That's what they get paid for, best to use them rather than worry yourself.

Don't be scared, they're there to help you.


miss diagnosis
10-12-06, 13:13
if you have a virus that can cause a rash also

10-12-06, 17:30
Thanks for your support. I rang NHS Direct and spoke to a doctor who said to keep taking the tablets. Needless to say, being me, I have felt panicky all day!!!