View Full Version : Need To Get A Grip

22-05-14, 23:52
I hope that this doesn't turn out to be a rant but hopefully it will be a short one. Three days ago, I caught either a really, bad cold or bronchitis. I can't think straight and I am short of breath and coughing my head off. I know it is just a simple case of bronchitis but I find myself going, " what if". Like why is it that I can't think straight, and from there my imagination tries to take off.

Part of my problem is my Dad has been here for two weeks and I can't even just lay on my own couch and watch what I want to watch on television. If I try to take a nap, he wakes me up in an hour to check on me. I just want my house back for a few days.

It is so difficult when you feel like crap and feel like you have to take care of and entertain someone else. Especially when you find it hard enough to just hold your head up. I don't want to chat. I just want to sleep.

Sorry for the rant. Just needed to say it out loud.

23-05-14, 11:34
Hey Tanner, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. It sounds like with your Dad around your stress levels are even higher than usual, and that's going to make your anxiety issues tough. So try not to be too hard on yourself.

If you can find a way to release some of that stress and frustration it will help you. And just take care of yourself as well as you can, that cold will pass on before you know it xxx

23-05-14, 12:37
It's rough when you feel kinda trapped.... Can one of your brothers come by and give you a rest? At least stay for a day or so? This way you can check out, get a motel room and a good nights sleep.

Positive thoughts

23-05-14, 14:29
Hi Tanner, rant and rave all you want. Sometimes that is all that helps!!! Especially when it comes to family. Even if we love them, it is testing at times to be so close.

What are you doing though to get a grip? At least you seem to know that you have to do something. Which is a huge step, isnt it?

Good luck and I hope you get the support you need.

25-05-14, 13:19
Thanks to everyone that listened to me rant. My cold/ bronchitis is still hanging on, although I am feeling somewhat better than I did earlier in the week. This is the second time that I've had this crud in three months and prior to that, I hadn't been sick in ages. I have to start taking better care of myself.

My Dad finally left on Friday to go and stay a week with another one of my brothers. While I love having him here, I really did need a break. I always feel like I have to take care of him and entertain him, and I just wasn't up for it be mid- week. It made me feel a bit guilty, although I know that I really had no need to feel that way.

I'm just glad at the moment to have my house back for the moment. I really enjoyed my couch yesterday and tv that did not include shoot 'em up westerns or blow 'em up action movies. I've seen enough of Chuck Norris and John Wayne to last me for awhile.