View Full Version : dred every morning as soon as u awake

23-05-14, 09:37
Just said I all in the title I honestly open my eye and dred the day I get out of bed feel like been run over by a bus I am 58 so some of it could be my age I am very slim not over weight I don't sit about all day. Infact I find it hard to sit still for ten mi ute I m up and down all day tying to burn off the anxiety that rushes in my whole body buy time I have drank my first cup of tea and the battle through the day begins trying not ave a full blown panic its there lurking all day. I wake up feel a awful sadness in my somoch lump in my throat and feels constant welling up of tears in my eyes yet manage not to cry. Most days I hold back. As if NY one says why you crying I blurt out I don't no or to much to say what. Life I thought life was for living mines surving each day xxx

23-05-14, 09:59
Aww Trish, it is so awful feeling like this :( I was in a better place again but have slipped back the past few weeks and just trying to get through each day again at the moment. :hugs::hugs:

23-05-14, 10:00

23-05-14, 10:37
Bloody tired of the constant struggle and then thinking There is. So many over come. The panic anxiety ect only to end up back. And I ave been there but every time I get struck back down its always worse than before or harder to shift it been on this one now a good 14years and its not lifted the slightest bit I just got worse and worse I pray to god very day Give me strength to get through another day this is def not living

23-05-14, 10:41
At the moment I am having to make myself do things to stop me slipping further back. I just wish we could wake up on a morning and look forward to the day ahead and enjoy doing things instead of worrying about them.

23-05-14, 11:20
Me to its like I say this is not living I do not ask for much just to enjoy my home would be nice I struggle to find anything I enjoy x

25-05-14, 18:16
Hi. New here. I agree with what you're saying about the purpose of life being to live it. Its sad that so many people aren't able to do just that. I wake up in the morning (after very short, restless sleep) feeling as though my whole body is vibrating and breathless as though I've been running at full speed. Instantly this puts me on edge and takes my energy as I feel like I'm not getting enough air (which can't be true) and I spend the day shaking. Not my idea of living a happy, fulfilling life tbh.

25-05-14, 20:09
Bless you my heart goes to us all on here that are not living I even envey some of the people with anxiety who manage to go out or even work. I am A full time prisoner inside my own mind and body which makes it I am agoraphobic so don't get out xxx

26-05-14, 18:09
I usually post under the citalopram topic as I am now taking cit..but I saw your post and feel your pain..You describe my life to a t...I have hardly left my house in 1 1/2 years..And the worst part is that I don't feel good when I am at home either. It is a all day battle..I feel like I am dying all time. I have every physical symptom you can imagine. I wake up in the morning with horrible butterflies in my stomach and fear..I am starting to get a little relief on the cit, but I am very med sensitive so had to start on a low dose..If you would like to pm me, that would be great..just know you are not alone..Debbie