View Full Version : Could Magnesium be the elixir of life i've been waiting for?

Catherine S
23-05-14, 10:54
Over the years, on top of all the other annoyingly crazy symptoms that come and go, ive suffered quite alot with very painful cramps in my feet...you ever get that cramp that locks your toes? Its really painful and not great when i'm driving and have to pull over until it passes. Well, yesterday when shopping it happened again and I had to wait half an hour for my toes to unlock. My hubby had read that magnesium is good for treating cramps and suggested I might be lacking in it a bit, so this morning I read up on magnesium deficiency and was gobsmacked!

They say a deficiency of this mineral can affect virtually every organ system in the body, depending on the depth of the deficiency but the doctors never look for it as it doesn't show up in blood tests, its held in the tissues, but deficiency in it can result in:

Cramps, foot pain and muscle twitches and jerks
Loss of appetite
Weakness and Fatigue
Abnormal heart rythms and spasms
High Blood Pressure
A feeling of not being able to get enough breath
Back ache and neck pain
Tension headaches and Jaw pain
Urinary Spasms
Difficulty swallowing or lump in throat
Anxiety and panic attacks
Zip-zaps and vibratory sensations

The list goes on believe me, and it doesn't mean that you have to have all of the symptoms but my guess is that a fair few of us have most of them...all unexplained and all with loads of negative tests. All the times people have asked why they have sypmtoms that doctors cannot explain, then we are given meds to ease our troubled minds.

The recomended dose of magnesium to start with is 200mg, and I bought a tube of the lemon flavoured dissolvable tablets for 1.20 in Lidl this morning (20 in the tube) and dissolved in 200mls cold water and drinking it as I type this. Dr. Mark Sircus who wrote the article takes 500mg a day after starting out on 200. He also said that overdosing on these supplements is very rare as our kidneys cope very well with magnesium. He also says that it plays an enormous role in our bodies and is by far the most important mineral, more than calcium, potassium or sodium and regulates all three of them. Who am I to argue and what have I got to lose?

Not sure what to expect or how long before it works..if it does at all, but will keep you posted either way :)


23-05-14, 11:04
I use Magnesium salts in the bath. I used to suffer with piles and anal fissures (sorry tmi :)) but since I started using the salts I have never been troubled with them.

Catherine S
23-05-14, 11:09
More good stuff about it then Annie :)

23-05-14, 13:21
Hi Annie
Where did you buy them from please?
How are you doing?x

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:20 ----------

I think bananas are high in magnesium.

23-05-14, 13:35
I got my last supply from here http://www.westlab.co.uk/ I have also bought them on ebay before.

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

Bananas do contain magnesium and also potassium. They are very good for depression as they are high in serotonin (tryptophan) .

23-05-14, 13:39
How are you feeling?

23-05-14, 13:48
I am a lot better thank you. The anxiety of the operation has set my ibs off but apart from that I am doing a lot better x

23-05-14, 13:53
That's really good to hear.:)
Just had a look at that website,it looks good,and the prices seem reasonable.
Thanks,and take care.x

23-05-14, 13:55
ISB it sounds like you need something anti inflammatory?

Magnesium is great for that, as you be said. But fish oils may also be of a great benefit to you. There was a study done by Bristol university that showed an almost 50% reduction in joint pain. Along with that there have been many other benefits spoken of, like increasing cognitive function :)

Maybe that could help you too?

23-05-14, 15:12
I remember a homeopathic doctor suggested I take magnesium for muscle spasms ... I started with just 1 pill a day and I can't remember if it was 200 mg or 250 mg. It made me feel dizzy so I stopped. I am now wondering if I should give it a go again, as that was 3 years ago.

23-05-14, 15:21
You could try the Epsom salt baths first to see if that helps as it is absorbed into your body rather than taking the pills which would perhaps make you more at risk of side effects.

23-05-14, 16:56
That's a really good idea actually. Thanks Annie!

Catherine S
23-05-14, 18:41
Thanks for your interest and input guys and haven't had any problems with the first 200ml so will go on with it and see if there are any improvements to my overall wellbeing so to speak.

swgrl...sorry you had a bad reation when you tried it but annie's suggestion might work better for you yes. Let me know how you get on if you do decide to try it.

ISB :)

Catherine S
25-05-14, 16:36
I don't know if it means anything as its only been a few days of taking this supplement at 200mgs but I have actually started to feel as if I have a little more energy...placebo effect you think? Also, for the first time in a long time my blood pressure has been below 140 and that's taking the propranolol into account too. Today no propranolol and a reading of 137 over 80! Usually if I forget to take it my BP can be s high as 160 over 100, so i'm really chuffed. So I'll keep taking the supplement and keep anybody interested posted about it :D