View Full Version : New to NMP, Anxiety levels sky high

23-05-14, 12:48
Hi all
I'm not sure how many days I've been on NMP, not many, but already I think I am going to get a lot from this site.
I thought I was new to anxiety and stress too, but now I've had time to reflect, I see it's always been with me.
About 3 weeks ago I hit an all time low after 6-7 months of different illnesses - chest infection, secondary chest infection, tonsilitus, viruses, water infection. After each of these have cleared up I have been left with fatigue.
It was whilst resting after the water infection, and worrying about every ache and pain and twinge to the point I was hot and panicky and convinced I was dying and leaving 2 young children motherless that I realised it was stress. When my husband got home from work, I said I think I'm stressed. He said of course you are! as if he had known all along but not said anything.
I haven't been back to the Doctors about this, I am sick of going there, and I think that going to the Doctors and then analysiing all the questions they ask me is just feeding my anxiety. That and googling !
Can I get better without meds or CBT?
The things I am trying: self hypnosis, walking (I used to run, but currently am awaiting hip xray - I'm only 44 and convinved my active life is over!), cooking (hated to cook but finding it therapeutic), baths, reading, more sleep, less work.
I work full time in quite a senior role - it can be a juggle with 2 young kids - 6 and 8. I am sure some of you will know all about this.
I want to get back to normal quickly - I am not a patient person.
Today I have general aches and pains in my shoulders and upper back. (But over the past few weeks, the pains have moved around my whole body pretty much)
That's about all I can say for now.
Thanks to anyone who listens.

23-05-14, 21:59
Welcome to the site :]

23-05-14, 22:21
Hello and welcome panicbird you will find lots of help and support here xx