View Full Version : Anxiety Questions

23-05-14, 16:57
Hello, I have a question about a particular symptom of anxiety, specifically the difficulty concentrating. I was wondering how long in most cases does it take for the symptom to go away, I was given a diagnosis of Anxiety a few weeks ago and have been trying to relax more, yet the fogginess still seems to continue. Therefore, I was just wondering how long it takes with each person and if there is anything I can do to speed up the process.

23-05-14, 17:35
I don't think its possible to actually tell you how long this will go on.
It seems to me that our psyches have their own times and seasons,and things happen when they decide.
Are you on any medication? The reason I ask is that if you are,and they are having the effect of making you feel calmer,then that may help with the concentration aspect, other than that,anxiety has common factors,but everyone has their own situation.
Its a case of finding what's works for you.:)

23-05-14, 20:14
Your attention is being split between your real life and the anxiety. Anxiety is like a virus that rapidly fills all your memory with spam and slows down your processing speed. It depends on how seriously you take the anxiety. If you spend a lot of time worrying and noticing how you think/feel, you are assigning importance to the anxiety. If you try to do other things, not fighting against the anxiety but working even though it's there, you can train yourself to de-emphasise the anxiety. It takes up less of your memory and you find yourself becoming more mentally agile. You might even be able to use the nervous energy for something productive.

The anxiety needs you to take it seriously in order for it to keep existing. Accepting that nothing bad will happen is the hardest part of recovery, but it is the basic, essential step.

23-05-14, 20:28
You can't try to relax really. You are making relaxing another worry, you just have to think ok I feel like this and I have to let this pass. You're brain is tired from anxiety and it will take time to heal and when it does you will concentrate again. You can't speed it up.
Mindfullness meditation might help
And if you are a worrying, working on easing worry will be the best idea
All the best