View Full Version : herpes fears again, really scared!!!

Worried 24/7
23-05-14, 18:30
So I have developed these bumps on my legs that itch really bad!! I'm back to thinking I have herpes! Plus my daughter has green goop in both her eyes and I'm convinced i spread it to her and she now has ocular herpes in both eyes!! I'm so scared!!!!

24-05-14, 00:06
That isn't herpes, dear. I'd post a picture of MY real herpes but that would be a little risque and might get me booted, lol.

It's really not that bad even if you have them. Take a pill, or two, do it for a 3-10 day stretch and then you're all better for a few months. Sucks when you have an outbreak but its far from the end of the world.

24-05-14, 00:12
they look like insect bites

28-05-14, 03:57
That doesn't look like herpes. Looks like bug bites. Green gunk in baby eye, allergy or has she been ill w a cold?

Worried 24/7
28-05-14, 15:43
I went to the doctor and the kids both have ear infections and pinkeye. I have thrush from antibiotics. He said they looked like bug bites but I don't think so, they're still there! I'm so scared I have my kids a disease that it's ea ting me up inside...I have been having pains in the inner sides of my knees and back of ankles for a while and the other night my daughter was complaining about the same spots! My husband thinks it was just from the bike ride that day but it seems too coincidental to be that it's the same areas... and then last night my son pointed right at a spot on his rib and said it hurt and my ribs have been hurting too...I'm just so worried:(

28-05-14, 15:49
There bites nothing more

28-05-14, 16:48
I am sorry you are worried....where do you think you got herpes from? Does anyone you know have it? You can go to a sexual health clinic and they can swab the area and txt you results within 5 days to stop you worrying (that's what I did) take care:D

Worried 24/7
28-05-14, 23:49
I have been scared that my friend has it and doesn't know and I kissed her goodbye, and another friend had a cold sore and I accidentally drank after her. So I'm doubly worried. I'm worried I got it then kissed my husband and then he have me oral and spread it and I somehow spread it to my kids by kissing them out cleaning them

29-05-14, 03:59
There are 2 strains of herpes. One you carry on the mouth, the other on the gentian area. You can't get herpes from kissing or drinking after someone unless they have visible blisters. I have both herpes one and 2. If I'm not suffering from an outbreak, I can't pass it to anyone. What you posted is bug bites. On my kids, bites last days!
As for your son, sounds to me like your anxiety is affecting him Hun. Please try to calm down a bit. Think of worst case scenario here....if you do have herpes, so what! It's really not a big deal. Valtrex is a safe pill to take when outbreaks occur. Honestly, you don't have herpes though. They do test for that in pregnancy so you've had tests for it already. :)

Worried 24/7
29-05-14, 08:03
The occurrence was after I was pregnant, but thank you for the reassurance. And the spots on me have been there at least a week now. They seem to finally be fading. They never popped and crusted like supposedly herpes do....? So tired of worrying...

29-05-14, 11:22
Mine dont crust. Or pop. I kinda wish youd just get them so you'd realize that it's not a big deal. Herpes get a bad rep and when I first discovered I had it I thought I was so dirty or sick. Not true. It's about as common as athletes foot and about as mildly dangerous, too. Most people don't share (verbally, ha) their herpes with others because of the stigma of "gasp you have an STD" or even if they don't have the STD others automatically think of the STD version. Who friggen cares?!

Herpes outbreaks start with pain in the affected area and then little swellings or pimple like bumps that are both itchy and painful to touch. After a couple days they are just plain painful. Hurts to touch, very sore. Can't miss it. If medication is taken it clears up in 2-4 days. If not, it can last a couple weeks or more until you finally do take the meds. Did you say you went to the doc and it was nothing? You cannot worry about this! Especially since it is a harmless pain in the wherever, it's like worrying if you have dandruff! Trust me, you'll think you have acne in the area first, then you'll realize it's slightly different. And more annoying.

Hope my post helped you. :-)

Worried 24/7
30-05-14, 10:14
I didnt get it tested, too scared... I just want to quit worrying. Hopefully they were just some kind of big bites. They're finally fading but it's taking forever....