View Full Version : Very worried about MS or Brain Tumor...

23-05-14, 20:51
It all started with a sinus infection which lead me to notice and acknowledge every single little feeling and sensation that was going on with my body... As a result of being so in tune with my body I began to un- tune myself with the rest of the world, therefore causing a state of derealization.. Keep in mind, I have suffered from anxiety since about the age of 12... After a couple weeks of antibiotics I started feeling better and got back to feeling normal and alive again... I'm a barber and about a week later I was talking to a client and letting him know that I was sick and how I was scared I had a brain tumor , etc. He is experienced in the medical field and told me if I had a tumor I would have severe headaches and tingling in my hands and feet... I have never really suffered from headaches , and still don't. But after speaking with him, it was like all I can think of is our conversation. Over a course of the next 2 days, I started developing a tingling on the left side of my body, through my arms and my legs... I went to the doctor on a Monday and told her about it and she seemed a little concerned , which lead me to more anxiety. She requested me to come back on Friday for a nerve conduction study, to rule out pinched nerve, etc. It is now Friday and my appointment is in 2 hours I'm a little worried...

After seeing her on Monday I was kind of freaked out by her concern, so I went to the ER... The doctor came in and did a bunch of neurological tests to test my reflexes, strength, vision, etc. He says I passed them all completely fine and he saw no need for a CT Scan. I felt a little better after this and the tingling went away for a while. But came back later that night...

The next day I started noticing my vision getting kind of funny, and then a small feeling of pressure in my temples... I went to work and made it through the day... The next day I felt so anxious I didn't even want to get out of bed. So I called my boss and told him I couldn't make it.. The next day I went in and felt anxious again, so I grabbed all of my belongings and told him I'm sorry but I have to take some time off.

Bottom line, this whole thing is messing with my life and well being... I exercise every day, and that helps to calm me down a bit. But then I start thinking of the symptoms again and BOOM there they are. My mom thinks I'm completely fine, my girlfriend thinks I'm completely fine, even the ER doctor thought I was completely fine. I'm starting to wonder if my mind is playing tricks on me and my anxiety is causing these symptoms or if there is really Something wrong. And of course I go on google periodically throughout the day and look up my symptoms.. Which is the dumbest thing I can do..

Anybody else out there going through this? Or been through this ?? It would be great to hear some feedback... Thanks

23-05-14, 21:09
Hey, here is my story, around Xmas I started panicking about my health not sure what but I was googling every ache and pain I got! Shortly after he tingling started! My arms and legs mainly but sometimes my whole body, it was worse when my clothes where touching my skin! I have never been a fan of doctors infact I haven't been since I was a kid! But after googling tingling over and over again I felt the need to go. I have had blood tests and they all came back fine! So I googled more! I get fixated on one issue eg brain tumour like u. I then get other symptoms. As soon as I go back to the doctor with a new symptom they reassure me that I don't have what ever illness I have convinced myself I have! Then the symptoms vanish! Long and short of it is that I am now on anti anxiety meds, the first 6 weeks were hell made my anxiety worse but they seem to be kicking in! The tingling is there but not as bad and I am hoping that it will vanish completely soon! So my point of this is if u tell ur self u have something ur mind will convince your body you have you will develop the symptoms your mind can be evil! But trust me it is all anxiety! I hope you can try to relax and take your mind off things, things will get better, I know it's easier said than done trust me I have had 5 months of hell! But you can do it :-)