View Full Version : Im freaking out :(

23-05-14, 21:17
Hi , im suffering from panic disorder for 7 months and now im on Xetanor . Im feeling much better and dont experience panick attacks anymore . But my problem is ive got shooting pains around my scalp on the left side of my head.This pain last about 2 seconds and its not painfull just anoying.Also my cheekbone from time to time tingling.That shooting pains are from 6 months and not getting worse but they re anoying and im freeking out that i may have a brain tumor . Im obsessed of that and all day i think abou it . :(

23-05-14, 21:21
I think you will find their called ice pick headaches and are nothing to worry about also could just be neuralgia still not to be worried about or just scalp pain as the brain doesn't feel pain.

23-05-14, 21:22
So i dont have to worry for a brain tumor

23-05-14, 21:38
Hi, I get them too. I asked several Doctors about these. They all said they were caused by tension from the neck or shoulders and they can come and go and I was told not to worry about them. I've had mine for nearly 3 months and I sometimes give my feet a gently rub or light massage which relieves the stress built up from the day or week. Don't forget that Anxiety is a build up of many, many stresses and worries. I found that I was walking around hunching my shoulders up, looking like I had no neck and I didn't even realize I was doing it. :)

23-05-14, 21:44
Thank you so much !! I went to 2 neurologist and they also said thats stress headache and dont need CT scan , but my health anxiety is more powerful and i still thinking about Brain Tumor :(

23-05-14, 22:04
Wouldn't imagine so, but not being a Dr I cannot guarantee it, when did you last get eyes tested, it could be you need glasses due to those pesky comps

23-05-14, 22:05
I was going to say the same as the poster who mentioned Ice Pick Headaches. I get them a lot. I used to get them a lot more, but eventually they slowed down. Still get them once in a while, esp if I have a lot of muscle tension.

24-05-14, 11:44
Hi, just to carry on from my last message, having my eyes tested was one of the first things I did, being paranoid I thought they might be able to detect any thing that might be wrong with me. I could have kissed the optician when she gave me the all clear. I also had a blood-test to test for any bad blood cells and that was ok. Always get checked out professionally first and then you will be reassured. I was becoming a pest at the Doctors Surgery, they would tell me again, again and again, it is tension and stress. They also told me to eat things with Oats, Root Vegetables, oily fish as these help the Brain Cells to calm the Anxiety down. So I now eat porridge for breakfast, mainly tuna sandwiches for lunch. And Yes, it has helped. Settled the stomach as well. It was like World War III had broke out in my stomach 3 months ago.:)

24-05-14, 14:05
I get these on occasion and they get worse when my anxiety kicks in, I even mentioned them to my doctor and he literally said 'you need to stop going on Google'.
You'll be fine, but we all know how harrowing it can be, especially when people around you do not understand.

25-05-14, 15:53
Thank you so much you all !! I feel better now :)