View Full Version : Burning

Mr Mannering
23-05-14, 21:39
Hi All

I'm having a bad few days.. The problem I get is that I feel my body is shutting down on me for an undisclosed problem. I'm in my mid 30's for christ sake but you know how it is....

Anyway one thing I seem to get when anxious, not always but on and off is a strange burning smell in my nose and sometimes to the point where I think I can taste it.

Is it just me?


23-05-14, 22:25
That's a really common problem don't know what it is or whether it's anxiety or just our sinuses being congested but i will sometimes say to my partner i can smell smoke, have only had this problem since I quit smoking, did you used to smoke?

Mr Mannering
23-05-14, 22:30
never smoked in my life.. really strange it is .... after about 3 days of it, it starts to eat away at me.

23-05-14, 22:41
Have you asked Dr what he thinks or do you just suffer it, I'm sure it's nothing major as I've had it 5+ years.

Mr Mannering
23-05-14, 22:48
No I haven't I only get it now and again and normally when anxiety attack occurs.... especially if it's a bad one.

23-05-14, 22:57
Then if the two are showing up at the same time i would definitely assume it's related, i get mine with or without anxiety.