View Full Version : What if we live?

24-05-14, 01:18
What if that mole is just a mole? What if that lymph node is normal? But if that lump is harmless? What if that stomachache is just a stomachache? A headache just a headache and not a brain tumor? What if my tingling is not from MS? What if my muscle twitching is not ALS? What if we live? But never really live? Always worrying about the future that we forget our present. Have we lived? This thought scares me more than cancer, more than ALS more than anything. Remembering this has helped me significantly in overcoming health anxiety. Here's a quote from the Dalai Lama "Man is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he's never going to die, and then dies have never really lived."

24-05-14, 03:41
Great inspiring post. Thank you for the lift. :-)

Catherine S
24-05-14, 03:53
All the wasted years RoseEve. Makes me sad :blush:

24-05-14, 06:09
When the thought of not living is stronger than the thought of dying, it becomes the turning point in the battle against the Dragon...

Positive thoughts

24-05-14, 09:13
Great post! Thanks for sharing x

24-05-14, 09:42
It's all true RoseEve! This is the kind of thought I used a lot when battling my bad HA, eventually it just becomes a kind of natural thing to think and you won't have to battle so hard to think it. I think you're on a really good path at the moment, you're thinking the right things and challenging your anxious thoughts, you'll be back to yourself again in no time I'm sure! xxx

24-05-14, 13:37