View Full Version : Colonoscopy update, advice please!

24-05-14, 12:35
Well this morning I had my colonoscopy which was done using a virtual scanner. I was fine to begin with but after the 2nd set of pictures the radiographer said she needed more scans as the pictures weren't clear. At this point I said are you sure that's the reason, can you see anything suspicious. She then said it's just procedure. Afterwards I asked for results and she said she was only there to do the procedure and not interpret the pictures. She said as it was Bank Holiday they would nt be looked at until Tuesday and to contact the GP. At this stage I was sure she must have seen something and became very upset. She said there was nothing I could do but wait it out. Do you think this sounds suspicious because I thought they would tell me straight away. I then started looking at her body and behaviour for 'clues'. My husband had to take me away as there were people waiting. I can't imagine his I'm going to get through the next few days with this level of anxiety. Others on here had their results the same day. I want to rationalise this but can't. Feeling awful now.....

24-05-14, 12:58
Did you have colonoscopy or colonography? A virtual scanner sounds more like colonography? Mine was colonoscopy which is the camera going up inside the bowel. It was done by the consultant and that is why I got my results straight away. If it was done buy a radiographer then they are not allowed to give the results.

24-05-14, 13:18
Thank you Annie it was definitely a virtual colonoscopy but was done by the radiographer. She said the consultants don't work on Saturdays so there was no one there to interpret the results. I'm not convinced that's the reason especially when she took additional scans . I will be worried sick until next week but will also be dreading the results. I was hyped up to think I would know either way this morning.

24-05-14, 13:28
I am confused with this...was it a scan or was it a camera which was inserted inside your bowels?

24-05-14, 13:37
You would only get the results if you had a olongoscopy where they put a camera inside your bowel, and then only if a Dr performed it, it doesn't sound like you had one of those done sounds like you had a verual scan by a radiographer, they are not allowed to interpret your results unless they want to get sacked, also the precedure sounded perfectly normal, I know Its not easy but no matter how much you worry it want change the results which I'm sure will be fine,why did they do a virtual one, sounds like there doing it to put your mind at rest.

Just a thought do you have ibs

24-05-14, 13:40
If you had the virtual one that would explain why your prep was different and you didn't end up on the loo all night like me :)

24-05-14, 13:45
I had my 20 week pregnancy scan and she wouldn't tell me anything either. Everything was fine. Some are really by the book.

24-05-14, 13:47
With digital scans they need interpreting by a consultant normally. I doubt the radiographer was lying to you...if they see anything suspicious they would normally escalate straight away for support. Taking more than one set of pictures is also common...they want the pictures to be clear so that nothing is missed.

There is nothing you can do now until Tuesday, try to occupy your mid with something else, do something nice for yourself and contact your GP on Tuesday for the report. Not everything is worse case scenario....even though we always think that

24-05-14, 13:50
I had a chest X-ray a few months ago, on a Saturday. I had to have another done, and then the radiographer said I'd have to call my GP on Monday for the results. I made the mistake of asking if it all looked clear, though. She said that nobody was available to interpret the results until Monday, and my GP would get the results as soon as the images were viewed. I didn't sleep for 2 days.

My GP said it was a clear X ray - radiographers are liable as they're unqualified to provide diagnoses, that I'd always get the same response.

With my colonoscopy in the past, I've been told that everything looked fine on the day because the consultant was floating about in the room.

Try not to worry!

24-05-14, 13:53
When I had a scan on my uterus they wouldn't tell me anything and they ended up doing more pictures but it was fine. I was told on the day with my colonoscopy but mine wasn't a CT colonoscopy it was a camera inside done by the consultant.

24-05-14, 14:02
Hi yes it was definitely a virtual colonoscopy with a tube inserted into back passage with a balloon! I went into a ring like scanner and had to hold my breath. This happened twice then I had to go back in for another set. Apparently the Gastrografin is more of a radioactive material and not a laxative, hence not needing the loo all day. It didn't help that it was a Saturday and Bank Holiday weekend. I've been trying to calm down by working out the cancer risk lifetime tables for my age, but maths is not my strong suit. It's worrying to see how much the cancer incidence has risen since 1975. I hate thinking my results are sitting at the hospital and I don't know them x

24-05-14, 14:29
Mine was different that is why I had to sit on the loo all night :) Mine wasn't a scan, it was a camera which is only done by a consultant.


It sounds like you had the first one?

I don't think you should go spoiling your weekend worrying about it. Radiographers are not allowed to tell you anything and it has to be seen by a consultant. They have to do a few 'shots' to make sure they get good images. It is most likely to be ibs :)

---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I didn't even know about the other way of doing it and if I ever need it again I will ask as it seems much less invasive :)

---------- Post added at 14:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:14 ----------

You say the cancer incidence has risen since 1975 but look how much the population has grown so really has it risen? Also many more people are now survivors of cancer than in 1975 :) With all the screening we have now it can be caught much quicker. You are looking at worst case scenario which I know I have been guilty of, when it is most likely to be something much less sinister. :hugs:

24-05-14, 15:07
Echo what everyone has said only a consultant can interpret the results.
I've had a few scans where I asked and they told me they could not tell me anything until a consultant reviewed the results.

What I do know if that of they saw anythingn serious they will call a consultant in. This happend to me. This happend for another scan. All was fine in the end.

I know easier said than done but try not to worry as it all sounds just normal procedure and from my experience and everyone else's.

24-05-14, 17:55
Thank you everyone . Much appreciated! My husband has taken me shopping to take my mind off. Not working really!

24-05-14, 17:58
Make sure you he treats you to something nice :)

24-05-14, 21:35
Hi Annie well he took me to Carluccis for a nice meal! X

24-05-14, 21:37
Aww that was nice :)

25-05-14, 01:53
radiographers are really are not trained to read the results. All she knows how to do is get clear picture. Only the gastroenterologist, oncologist or other doc can read the results. The only reason she took more pictures was because the first lot were not clear.

25-05-14, 12:55
Thank you UKM . I'm a lot less anxious today. I've decided that until I get that diagnosis of cancer I haven't got it. Something I read from Fish a while ago! Been to gym and now off for long walk. Appreciate your reply.

27-05-14, 20:45
When do you get your results?

27-05-14, 22:19
They said a week and make appointment with my Dr