View Full Version : about me x

24-05-14, 13:01
hey...new here and hope its the right section if you get to the end well done for reading....

firstly i started with having 3/4 massive panic attacks in the space of a few days...no warning nothing before hand which told me i was ill...nothing had happened in my life...

that left me with severe anxiety/depression/agoraphobia...
for the past 5 years of my life ive had to fight each day just to get out of bed....i have phazes of the agoraphobia when its really bad(right now it is and has been for a few months...i only go out with my husband who works mon-fr) now knowing what it is what i feel i know i havent been right all through my life...

ive tried several seditives i suppose the one ive stuck with is haloperidol and can take sometimes 6 a day...
i have now been put on an anti depressant....

before the 5 years up to now i suffered episodes very much like hypoglcemia down to the last symptom...sometimes eating would help sometimes i slept/passed out but i was left feeling weak and shaky afterwards for hours...i went and had my blood done this week got my results yesterday hoping for a "normal" illness to fight i was so ready felt strong....sadly this didnt last and my bloods came back normal...i was so heart broken i broke down and couldnt stop crying for hours afterwards i was ready to fight this new normal illness i cant fight my anxiety/depression/agoraphobia no more i just cant ive lost my fight for it and dont know what to do anymore....

does anyone else feel these symptoms and if it is my axiety would taking haloperidol help instead of eating....

thanks for reading im prob sure ive left a few things out....just find it hard to express everything sometimes.....its so wierd reading here how everyone feels exactly like me xxx

24-05-14, 13:14
What bloods did you have done ?

I think hormones like adrenalin, cortisol can be responsible for blood sugar problems too. You can get blood tests like the one below. Or maybe that's what you've already tried.


I can have lots of funny reactions to food/no food too. It's been an issue with me for years.

24-05-14, 13:28
There was a lot of tests done hun....all ones that would do that....was so gutted xxx

25-05-14, 04:19
Is it possible the symptoms you are getting could be a side effect of your medication? I don't know, just wondering.