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24-05-14, 13:03
who has put weight on with anxiety/depression....

i look at my friends who has bouts of stress and they lose weight....

ive never put on weight in my life ever and the past couple of years ive put on nearly 2 stone xxx

24-05-14, 13:13
not at all. I am carrying about 30 kilo extra myself. And even though most meds say the can cause 'weight loss' I have the damned opposite! Plus the fear associated with my anxieties, which are when my heart rate increases and my breathing changes, it kinda makes it hard to be physical enough to burn the calories! Even though I eat right and have given away the sugary drinks and chocolate (most of the time!).

24-05-14, 13:15
that in it self doesnt make me feel good at all xxx

24-05-14, 19:39
I've always lost weight with anxiety because it takes away my appetite. Although the meds I was prescribed that helped me gain half a stone.

24-05-14, 19:42
You lucky bugger lol....

Everywhere I've read anxiety makes you lose weight I've put it on xxx

24-05-14, 19:53
When this first hit me I lost 2 stone as I had no appetite and as I was 2 stone overweight this was the only good thing about it all. Now my medication is in place and I am feeling on the way to recovery I have put a stone on!!!!!

24-05-14, 19:56
I wish I was lucky but I'm already underweight as it is. Do you eat more when you're anxious and how active are you?

24-05-14, 20:02
I know you're not lucky hun....you know what I kind of ment....

Im not active at all no more...at all....yeh I crave sweet stuff xxx

24-05-14, 20:05
It's hard to sense humour unfortunately, lol.

Being active will not only help budge the weight off but it will help a ton with the anxiety. What I often do is, instead of getting two buses to work, I'll get one into town and walk the last mile in. I'll also make plans to go into town on days off or the shops so I am keeping active and getting outside. I also do little exercising at home like dumbbell lifting and sit ups.

24-05-14, 20:18
I'm in the same boat, I find it hard to be active and I comfort eat.
It makes my anxiety a lot worse. I'm a lot heavier than I'd like to be.

24-05-14, 20:22
Its a bit hard with my agoraphobia...
I have no energy my legs and arms always feel weak...

When it's not as bad as it is lately I do workouts and pole dancing still don't lose weight though xxx

It makes me feel worse that I let myself get like this then I eat then I batter myself get over it eat batter...you get the gist xxx

24-05-14, 20:33
I find the best way to stop is just don't buy snacks and fatty food. Let yourself have nice food, just keep it minimal. If its not there you can't eat it.
I'm agoraphobic too, but you can do exercise indoors, take it slowly and build up. I've been doing that over the last 4 months and I'm pretty much back to full strength again.
Although I just started meds and they've kept me in bed for the last week so I have some catching up to do.

24-05-14, 20:40
Thanks hunny....I do try...but then think f##k it! And go to bed.....I've always been active always worked just find it so hard at the minute.....

I usually don't buy crap at shopping time but if I want something and I mean anything my husband just goes out and gets it lol..(good or bad lol) no matter what time xxx

24-05-14, 20:47
Don't feel bad about it when you eat bad things, just try not to. If you fall off the wagon all you have to do is get back on and try again :)

My boyfriend does the same, and he doesn't care if I put on a bit of weight which is lovely.
In the end I told him I needed to loose weight for my mental health and he's been helping me to loose weight instead. We've both improved our health in general.
The other alternative is, eat what you want and love your body despite weight gain :)

24-05-14, 21:02
Oh I can't do that lol wasn't happy when I was 8 st lol...

Gonna do a shop tomorrow will get fruit instead of crap xxx

25-05-14, 04:10
I gain weight when I have anxious spells because it makes me want to eat sugary stuff to feel better. I guess some people drink, but I have my sweet tooth. Also, if I am anxious and not leaving the house, I am more likely to eat out of boredom as well.

Like others have said, don't buy the bad stuff and fill your refrigerator with good foods. I found some fruits that I really like that help satisfy my craving for something sweet ... for me, it's red grapes. It helps even though it's not the same as a bag of candy or some ice cream.

Maybe also try to get your husband to try to eat healthier with you so he won't go and buy it. My husband would always buy me huge bags of candy at my birthday and holidays, and I had to sit him down and ask him to stop because I really can't control myself around it and will eat the whole bag at once. We go to the gym together a lot because we motivate each other. Even if not the gym, we go for walks or hikes.

Sometimes having somebody there to motivate you and force you to go out and get moving can help. There have been many days where I have not wanted to do any of it and my husband has kept me going. I do the same for him when he doesn't want to go. It makes it easier than trying to do it all on your own.

25-05-14, 10:34
Thanks for reply hun....makes sense xxx