View Full Version : ?How can i lose weight???

24-05-14, 15:23
I have had 4 kids in 5 years and i have put on lots of ponuds,:wacko: also with my anxiety and depression i eat like a mad cow :scared15::winks:

I need to know how to not eat off my nerves and change my comfort foods:yesyes:

24-05-14, 15:32
Best way to lose weight is to eat a balanced diet and start exercising! It's really not more complicated than that.

If you stress eat then a therapist might be able to help you get to the root of your problem, or you can learn about better ways to manage your stress.

24-05-14, 16:12
Thank you :D

24-05-14, 16:15
Sweetie, you know you are a girl after my own heart with your love of cake, pies, cookies, sweets! But I have good news! As you start to feel better and your anxiety eases off, your cravings will too! It happened for me (at about 12 weeks in with the med), it can happen for you too ;) I get it that with 4 kids in the house who no doubt love their treats too, you can't just go cold turkey or anything, ha ha! But one day you will realize, hey, I can take it or leave it, naw, I don't really feel like that cake ... Really! Meanwhile, HoneyLove is right, choose ONE sweet food to have in the house, buy some fruit and make fruit salad, put some apples and bananas in a bowl and try to offer these to the kids and yourself. Keep doing those walks and park play that wears them out (lol!) If you do these things and stick with the meds and therapy when it becomes available, come fall you will be pleasantly surprised, I promise!!! xx :bighug1:

24-05-14, 17:07
Awwww how sweet, i wish there was a edit button for our body, lol i would suck off all the fat lol
But i will try those things!!:hugs:

24-05-14, 20:08
I think it is mainly down to diet. Exercise is helpful for weight loss but the reality is even an hour of intensive exercise can be quickly 'undone' by eating one high calorie meal or snack. Of course exercise is also important for heart health, reducing anxiety and depression and building muscle.

I lost a lot of weight about 10 years ago. Put quite a bit of it back on over a 2-3 year period and ever since then have not been able to get back down to my ideal healthy weight.

People, especially those who do not have weight or food issues, will say you just need to eat less and do more exercise, and while of course that is factually true it is a lot easier said than done. I'm not sure where I got the strength of character and motivation from to do it before and I haven't been able to find it again recently. :weep:

I think a good way to start is getting rid of the crap food from the house. If the junk isn't in the cupboard/fridge it is more effort get it to eat it. I think then it is about looking at the reasons why we are eating. I know I often eat because of boredom, anxiety, stress, etc. Or I eat too much only stopping eating when I am bursting full because of lack of mindfulness when eating. I even sometimes eat as self-punishment and I think others do the same too - overeating makes most people unhappy and for those with depression/anxiety overeating is almost a subconscious way to confirm how 'bad', 'useless', 'worthless' they are or whatever.

So I would say look at removing junk and portion size. It is relatively easy to shave off 10 - 15% portion size without feeling starved or deprived. It is better to replace junk like chocolate, crisps, candy with proper meals or healthier snacks like fruit, nuts and salad vegetables.

Whenever you feel like eating maybe stop for 10mins first and ask yourself "am I really hungry?". I often think if you are craving junk food but are not hungry enough to 'fancy' something healthy then you are not really hungry in the first place, if you see what I mean?

24-05-14, 21:34
I eat from stress, i have tons of comfort food s and they are far from healthy, oh and i'm a stay home mom, so after i get the kids down for a nap, house chores done and dinner cooked i get bored, so i snack!!!
I have a huge sweet tooth also!
I do go for a hour walk in the after noon's!! That does nogood if i'm eating m&m's while i walk:blush:

24-05-14, 22:52
Have you tried health anxiety? I've lost two stone since starting the HA regime in January. :)

24-05-14, 23:02
NO, give me details:D