View Full Version : Hi Guys - HEEEELP???

10-12-06, 16:08
Hi everyone, I'm really glad to have found this forum. I think one of the best kinds of help is knowing that you're not alone.
My name's Anna, I'm 27 and a single mother of a six year old. I've been suffering from panic disorder for the past 18 months and it's really taken over my life.
The worst thing is the Catch 22 I find myself in. I can't work becuase of this, so I can't afford to buy all these so called miracle cures I keep seeing (does anyone know anything about the "one step" programme and others like it, are they any good?), I hate the side effects of meds and would rather fight this without them, but I can't go to groups/yoga classes etc etc because sitting in a room full of strangers is a no no!
I'm better now than I was a few months ago, I've found meditation helps (honestly, even if you think it sounds daft, give it a go) as does not fighting the panic when it comes - easier said than done, but it really works.
Sorting out your diet is a big help too - slow release carbs that keep your blood sugar in check (like porridge for breakfast) do the world of good.
Well, if anyone has any advice for me, or just wants to talk, I'm here.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Anna xxx

10-12-06, 16:24
Hi Anna,welcome to the forum.You will get lots of support here and advise.Eating healthy does help,I lost a stone and it helped my confidence.Im on meds,I tried without for 3 months and failed.Im happy to be back on them again.Im like you I cant do any sort of classes with people,I have a social phobia.
take care;)

Ellen XX

10-12-06, 16:32
Hi Anna,

Welcome to the forum. If you can't make it to a yoga class maybe you could buy just one video and do it at home. I too agree that diet helps loads. I stay off caffiene and that helps my anxiety. If you ever want to, please come into chat and you can talk about your problems or get a laugh or two. Again, welcome and glad you are here.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

10-12-06, 17:13
Hi Anna,

Welcome to the forum, you seem to be dealing with this in positive way. Sometimes that in itself is the start of the road to recovery. Look forward to chatting to you sometime in chat!

Hugs to you


10-12-06, 17:29
Hi Anna

I'm quite new to this as well but the guys i've had contact with were fab!

How do you meditate? If you get a chance let me know how to get started please.


10-12-06, 18:00
Hi Anna..Welcome to NWP!
Well done with the meditation, i just couldn't get the hang of it when i tried, but i've heard many people swear by it.
Take care..

Granny Primark
10-12-06, 18:05
hi Anna,

Welcome to this brill site.
I too would like to find out about meditation and how it helps. I wont take medication cus i fear the long term affects. My sister in law took tabs for years and then ended up in a mental hospital when her gp tried to take them off her. But i guess the tabs they give you now are not the same ones which used to be prescribed years ago.

Take care

10-12-06, 19:50
Hi Anna,

good to see you here. I'm a firm believer in mediatation too and can recommend it as a great destresser. For all those interested here's a useful resource to get you started>>>


I've attended classes in Samatha meditation(Samatha means "calm") and there are courses all over the UK and in Ireland. The ones listed under Meditation Groups in the following link are all free to attend>>>>


All the best


10-12-06, 20:37
Hi Anna,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


10-12-06, 20:42
HI Anna

A BIG warm welocme to you, lovely to see you here, i hope we can be of some help.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

10-12-06, 21:56
Hi Anna,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-12-06, 22:20
Hi Anna,
I'm glad to hear that you know that you are not alone. I too hate the side effects of meds and am trying to fight the anxiety naturally. I take rescue remedy when I feel really anxious. I also take lots of vitamins and try to eat healthy (I just can't kick the chocolate obsession I have lol). I have also just bought some relaxation breathing cd's from Eli Bay and they work great as well.
Take care,

10-12-06, 23:22
Hey ho Anna

Welcome to NMP, this is a great site with loads of useful stuff and friendly folks.

I'm glad you can't afford the miracle cure thingys because there aren't really any. it all comes from within. You have the answers it is just a case of trying to find them.

Have you seen your GP at all, it should be possible to get support without necessarily going on meds. Talking therapys have a proven track record and your GP should be able to point you in the right direction.

I have been using this site also, http://www.livinglifetothefull.com. It is free and I have found it useful.

Take care


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?