View Full Version : crappy feelings again

24-05-14, 15:28
i havent wrote here for awhile but kinda need to see what other people think , my mum was told yesterday that shes going to be needing open heart operation its instanly caused a total feeling of dread and fears about the furture now , i am 35 still living at home with my mum , dad , sister , my dad has been ill for many years and had heart faliure in 2001 which he nearly died and my sister has nervous problems , i have this terrible dread within myself that somethings going to happen to my mum and that maybe me and my sister may have heart problems to :( i had heart traces and ecg done few years ago due to chest pains but nothing came out of it , i am also in a relationship but feel nobody understands the feelings i have and also feel that i have no sense of direction of my life atm i strongly feel that my mum be ok but also have dread that she wont be ok :( i am costanly feeling scared and negitive atm i feel i have nobody can surport me or help me and really wish that i'd just goto sleep and never wake up as dont see life getting any better anymore :(

24-05-14, 15:37
That does sound stressful Ciccone, I'm sorry to hear about your mum and your dad both being sick. Have you gotten any help with your worries? Like have you spoken to your GP about your anxiety levels or looked at therapy to help you through these difficulties?