View Full Version : weird feelings, light headedness,

24-05-14, 16:43
In the last month I have been to the doctors and had blood tests done which came back fine...My red and white cells were fine and liver,kidney function was fine..Blood pressure fine and they checked my sugar levels and they were fine and i wasnt anemic...Next week im going for an ECG just so i can have piece of mind my heart is ok too....But despite all these tests and it coming back fine I still feel rubbish for no reason....I'm always feeling lightheaded and that sets off the nerves then i hyperventelate and feel panicky but there is no reason for this...I could understand it if i was in a situation to feel anxious but i'm not...and its everyday. Im on propanolol but i dont take it all the time as i dont want to rely on them. I just take them as and when But these waves of feelings come over me..Feelings of dread too and that makes me feel worse. I have explained this to the doctor and thats why he did the tests but everythings normal...im worrying it could be my heart that is causing this now. I hate feeling this way..Sometimes i feel fine and then other times like today will feel like this, dont know what to do next about it.

24-05-14, 16:58
Hi Kelly
The sensations you describe are classic anxiety symptoms although its good that you're getting checked out as well.
I know its hard,because I have to tell myself this as well,but if you can distract yourself instead of fighting it,the feelings will pass quicker.
There's so many people on here that know exactly where you're coming from,and can offer tips or support.
It can get better,or be more manageable, really.:)

24-05-14, 17:11
Thanks for your reply.

I have had this since I was 8 years old im now 33 and although as i get older ive learned to cope with it better..I never get to the point where i have a full blown attack because i have learned to control it but as you get older the panic and the feelings you get and new symptoms get worse...and it is harder to control it...I have tried everything....I think that if i get the all clear with the ECG then ill just have to accept that its all to do with this anxiety disorder i have and im always going to feel like this...Its about ways of controlling it better..Im not as bad as i used to be. Its just these horrible feelings like waves come over me followed by dread then the physical symptoms. Even when i dont have them feelings its the constant fainting/light headed feeling I get thats worrying. I think most of the anxiety tho is me worrying about my health, thinking there is something underlaying wrong thats causing me to feel like this for nothing.

24-05-14, 18:50
Propanolol is not addictive, no worries there.