View Full Version : anyone think its related....

24-05-14, 18:27
Does anyone who has suffered panic attacks anxiety grown up feeling angry....
As though..you've not let enough anger out...this is what it turns into xx
Sorry if this post is too deep xxx

24-05-14, 18:29
hi there, yes I have, mostly angry with myself with not having dealt with situations properly in the past, what about you?

24-05-14, 18:34
Hey.....I was very angry as a child....very....mainly at my parents but took it out on everyone (apart from my nana and grandad they kept me sane xxx

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Just thought it'd be interesting to know if it stems from that...xxx

24-05-14, 18:38
I think parents feel devoted to looking after your needs as a child but are not prepared when you reveal your adult personality, at least, that's what I think from my own experiences

24-05-14, 18:41
Oh definitely.....my mams favourite thing is denial xxx

24-05-14, 18:43
You think she is in denial about some aspect of you as an adult?

24-05-14, 18:48
Oh everything hun....she dpesnt believe in mental illness...she believes I can pull my socks up and get on with it....xxx

24-05-14, 19:48
I heard it said once that depression is anger turned inside out.
Makes sense to me.

24-05-14, 19:58
My anxiety and panic attacks came from being bullied. My parents and teachers never helped me so I believe it came from a lack of control over my situation. I thought my depression stemmed from the idea 'If they don't care about me then f*** it' but I was probably very angry at everyone for letting me suffer, and at myself for letting it happen.

24-05-14, 20:01
When I was young and suffering with anxiety my mum would ignore it and I thought she didn't care, when I was older I realised she also struggled with anxiety symptoms and as we know some with anxiety feel like dealing with certain triggers is enough to spark an attack so instead of helping me ocvercome it she was sometimes quite hard.
My eldest son when he was 12/13 had a massive panic attack, I sat him down and calmly explained what it was and how to get passed it, I took him Drs the next day for a quick check up for my peace of mind and he has never had another attack since and he's now 44 he is a paramedic so has plenty of triggers but says that nipping it in the bud when he was young was enough to stop them, I have 5 sons and they all get heart flutters though.

25-05-14, 04:16
I definitely think there is a link, Cookieb. I think that when we have to bottle emotions up, they can only stay bottled up for so long. Eventually they find a way out, whether through anxiety, depression, or anger (or all of the above honestly). That can also lead to resentment towards your parents for never really validating what you were going through or giving you the emotional care you needed at the time.

25-05-14, 10:35
Definitely you've just described me xxx