View Full Version : Panic attacks getting worse :/

24-05-14, 23:09
Hi, not posted for a while, but lately I feel as though my anxiety and panic are just getting worse

I do everything to try and help myself, listen to anti anxiety CDs, practice breathing techniques but as I get worse it feels like I'm not coping as well as I used to..

I never remember them being this bad before :( it literally feels like I'm going to explode and die and no amount of reassuring myself will help... It gets worse when I'm actually having one as I have emetophobia too and nausea is the WORST symptom I get...

I take all manor of anti sickness tablets which help (I think psychologically more than anything)
I also take diazepam that I have left over from previous doctors appointments when it's very bad or I am in a situation where I can't sit down and try to get through it...

This may sound strange but it feels like i disconnect from my body but can still feel all the symptoms it just feels like I'm going to pass out and at any moment but I know that's also physically impossible because of all the adrenaline.

This also may sound strange but I sometimes get myself through it by scratching the inside of my palm with my nails or my keys or something like that.. NOT in a self harming way but it kinda brings me down a bit... Obviously though this is not a healthy way to deal cause I end up being kinda sore and sometimes bleeding..

Can anyone relate or offer any advice what to take/do to prevent or at least ease my anxiety.
I'm literally at the end of my tether:weep:

Thanks if you read all that I know it's kinda long

24-05-14, 23:26
So sorry your feeling so anxious ...sending you a hug:hugs:
Good you are doing your breathing and listening to the CD's, that have helped you in the past. Hope they give you some relieve :)