View Full Version : blood again

25-05-14, 07:33
So last week I posted that id had a BM and when I wiped there was blood. This happened last saturday twice and then disappeared. Last night I had a particularly hard BM and had to rrally force it out. When I wiped there was blood again. This morning, although not quite as hard, there was still a bit of blood. Im trying tp rationalise and say its a fissure or piles but then the what ifs creep in. I feel fine otherwise.

25-05-14, 07:52
If it is bright red blood then it is most likely to be piles or a fissure especially as you had to strain.

25-05-14, 08:02
Yes it's bright red and only on the toilet paper. My mum has/had UC so im concerned its the start of that too as autoimmune diseases can be genetic. At the moment, ill hope its piles or fissure. And IBS!

25-05-14, 08:16
Yes it's bright red and only on the toilet paper. My mum has/had UC so im concerned its the start of that too as autoimmune diseases can be genetic. At the moment, ill hope its piles or fissure. And IBS!

You could always let the doctor have a look just to confirm the piles/fissure to reassure you.
I used to suffer a lot with piles and fissures but I started putting Epsom salts in my bath and have never had any since :)