View Full Version : waking up panicking

25-05-14, 08:38
I've been feeling generally better apart from my joints still being achy (mainly figners, wrists and left knee) and cracking a lot, and occasional reoccurance of other symptoms.
But last night I kept waking up feeling like my whole chest had caved in, gasping for air and feeling like I was about to die.
I'm trying to be rational about all this but I was wondering if anyone had this and how they coped? It happened like 3 times throughout the night and I'm starting to make my mum understandably a bit tried and annoyed as she is stressed out about my health too.
(And also have you had the hand/knee aching thing? I'm trying not to think it's arthritus or something worse and just me carrying heavy things/bashing my knee/growing pains. I hope.)
I've just reached a wall where I know what to do but I can't seem to get over the worrying.

25-05-14, 10:07
Hi, I have the achy joints thing, mainly wrists, sometimes legs. My hip hurts and I get a lot of backache. Up until late last year I was super fit and running. Some days now I feel like I can barely walk.
Today I have woken up with a really tight chest...sort of aches right in the middle. Can't describe it any better than that. And bit short of breath.

It is stress. I know this but doesn't make me feel much better as if there was a different diagnosis I feel like it could be treated quickly and I could move on.

Distracting myself often works but today I can't shake this horrible chest feeling.

I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like stress to me. Have you been to your GP?

25-05-14, 12:50
Yes, I get the chest thing too. Sometimes I get really sharp pain in my chest or a fleeting feeling that I can't catch my breath.
Same, I always thought I was pretty healthy. I eat and drink really healthily, even more so now. Just need to start doing excersice but I walk a lot anyway.
It probably is you're right. It can be frustrating. My mum said that she sometimes gets random pains, especially when she was younger, but she just ignores it and it has never done her any harm, which gives me some comfort.
I know, that's the worse, when the symptoms are jsut there regardless and you have to trudge though ignoring them to the best of your ability while still laughing and joking and in my case trying to study and stuff.
I have, a few times and I have a few tests to do with my heart lined up in the next month or so.
I really hope you feel better soon too.