View Full Version : heat lump

25-05-14, 10:15
i suffer from a lot of health anxiety and at the moment even the small things are bothering me,
so i have this heat lump, or spot I'm not sure its small, on my leg and i would be fine normally but this one has a little bit of purple in it and this doesn't sound big or horrible because its not but for me i feel really scared of it which sounds pathetic...

im not sure when it actually appeared i think after i put on the bandage on my knee because its been hurting and ever since then yesterday it appeared?

has anyone had the same and is it okay?


25-05-14, 11:18
Hey hun I'd say from your description that it sounds ok to me xx

25-05-14, 13:10
I haven't got a clue what it could be, doesn't sound dangerous to me though. You said that you suffer a lot with health anxiety, have you considered getting help for this?

25-05-14, 20:42
thank you and yeah i just saw my friend and she has one to! i don't know how she got it i think she injured herself doing something or it just appears i don't remember, its weird but it doesn't hurt so i think its okay? thank you for answering and yes i am seeing someone for my health anxiety, i wouldn't normally stress out over something so small but my anxieties been quite high recently and I've just never had it before so i got scared x

25-05-14, 23:03
When anxiety hits you do become more alert than you normally would, that is the unfortunate part of anxiety. It is good that you know that it is a thought provoked by anxiety, it helps a ton because you can begin telling yourself 'This is only anxiety.'