View Full Version : Anal Fistula

25-05-14, 12:18
I have had an Anal Fistula now for several months, which has kept me off work. When I first went to see my GP, they said they could see a fissure there and put me on Diltiazem cream - this actually helped matters enormously and gave me back some of my quality of life.

However, I recently went in for an operation to try and resolve this issue and the doctor said he found an Anal,Fistula and that it wasn't a fissure. I felt drowsy after the op and went home feeling ok-ish. I even had hope that I might be on the mend to recovery.

However, when the bandages were removed etc., I got swelling and there was considerable discharge. Not so much now but what worries me is when I do go to the look I get a lot of blood leakage and have had to have numerous showers to control the issue and moisten my bottom.

The discharge of blood isn't excessive - right now I am using a towel to sit on and during the night or when I sit down to relax, there is no evidence of blood release onto the towel itself. However, sometimes when I walk around, there is sometimes blood droplets. I just worry when I go to the loo that I have blood puddles and need showers to clean out my bottom.

When I first had this condition, several months ago, there was blood puddles then. Since that time, I used Diltiazem cream. That helped me enormously and I was beginning to see natural stools again and the blood amount was generally a streak. I am worried that this operation I had has really upset the fistula as there has been swelling/drainage/blood etc.

I am due to go in for a conoloscopy/TI Biopsy and MRI scan soon - I just want this to go away now as it has greatly affected my quality of life- is there any hope?


25-05-14, 12:35
If I was you I would go the GP and tell him the problems you are having. Salt baths are very good for healing.

25-05-14, 15:25
Thanks for the advice, Annie. Will do.

10-02-15, 17:25
Hi robinsky did you get you anal fistula sorted? Iv had one for years and it's driving me crazy!