View Full Version : 4 days of ectopics really worried this time :(

25-05-14, 13:16
Hi Guys:

Has anyone experienced this for 4 days solid from the minute im awake till I sleep and probs through the night. I keep getting Ectopics had them before but never like this :(... I am now really starting to worry there is something really wrong. I have no other symptoms no racing heart or dizziness except when i go from sitting to standing but its like every 5th beat skips. My chest is so uncomfortable and I generally do think im gonna drop down dead any day now.

Catherine S
25-05-14, 14:01
Hi GadGirl

I have suffered with ectopics and flutters for some years now and its quite common for these to go on for days in the way you describe, I used to get a run of them like this once or twice a year. I suffer with them every day anyway and normality for me is they happen once or twice a day/eve so they aren't as bad nowadays. Ive given up trying to figure out why they happen...ive given up caffeine, try not to eat anything that could give me indigestion as there is a connection between stomach and heart, and generally try not to aggravate my heart but the ectopics still happen. I do get mild hayfever so wonder if there is a connection with that, but probably not lol! They can be much worse just before a period and I suffered with them quite badly when I was pregnant so hormones can play a part too.

The latest thing for me is to take magnesium supplements as I read that this can help so i'm waiting to see how that works. I also take propranolol, a beta blocker which slows the heart down and helps with these ectopics. Doesn't take them away completely but helps with severity of them and how long they last. Hope this helps :)


25-05-14, 14:14
3 days was my record and ended up at the Hospital where he didn't even do an ecg just listened and said Its absolutely fine, he did give me 5 x 2mg of diazepam and said to do some exercise to get it beating faster to kick it back into rythme, yea you guessed right I didn't manage the exercise but a couple of days later they eased off.
I gave up cigs 5 years ago and cafine and truly think that helped, lots of things seem to cause them but from what I have always been lead to believe so long as at some point you have mentioned them to your Dr then I wouldn't worry.

25-05-14, 14:20
so glad its not just me. I have had them before a 24 hour monitor spotted 6000 in that period but doc was not concerned i gave up smoking like yourself Alexandria well done.I use an ecig now, I have no caffeine, Alcohol or naughty stuff and I dont eat wheat or starchy foods ( I am on a low carb way of eating). IBS my periods are due so maby my bodys just being a little bit stupid.or my brain haha.. Just really worries me thats all.

Catherine S
25-05-14, 14:57
Well ive had all the tests over the years...all negative and I guess Ive learned to live with them after all these years, although they can still scare me if theres loads of them :ohmy: My doc also suffers with them himself so is quite sympathetic about it. He also takes beta blockers to ease them. He tells me that most people get them but just can't feel them...lucky people!


27-05-14, 17:31
Hi I have just been reading this with interest. I started up with ectopics/missed beats on Saturday and I still have them now :-( mine are also pretty much constant and my throat feels like it is constantly fluttering. I went to A & E on Monday (yesterday) and I had an ecg which picked up my irregular beat. I had loads of blood tests done which were all ok apart from low phosphate which he said could cause it (but my own gp said today he was doubtful about it as it wasnt that low) and he said I had a flow murmur again own gp today said it was probably just heard because my heart was beating fast at the time as i had a bit of white coat syndrome going on. So today I went to my own gp and I have had another ecg and a rythmn check and I have to go back to the doctors tomorrow. I have felt really anxious today because they have literally not stopped and they are every 4 beats or so sometimes less than that.

27-05-14, 17:54
I can have them 50 times in one day flutters usually but mine are now runs lasting 10 seconds so I'd rather the flutters. I always think that lasting that long if it was serious would have happened now.

27-05-14, 19:45
Have you still got the palpitations gadgirl? I have, I'm on day 4 also

28-05-14, 22:23
Hi yes still have them :-( not as frequent now but still have them. I keep saying to myself to calm down thy will go away.. And have to keep myself from taking myself to A and E.

25-09-14, 17:03
Hey everyone, was just wondering if this had gone away for you guys yet? I'm on day 8 and still no let up :( feeling lost.... Normal ECG and normal pulse suggested it wasn't heart related but my throat is driving me mad.