View Full Version : I've consumed too much salt in the last hour?

25-05-14, 14:41
I ate roughly about 8g of salt in the last hour (don't ask why) but it wasn't on purpose my friend put too much salt seasoning and salt in the food and didn't realise and now im so scared I've od'd on salt :/

What should i do should i phone nhs 24 or should i just keep drinking water?

I also take beta blockers for high bp so should i take a dose of them so my bp doesn't get too high?

Ugh im really scared how much salt is lethal?

25-05-14, 16:17
Not nearly close to the amount you consumed. Just drink water, you will be fine. Salt is a much needed nutrient for the body :-)

25-05-14, 16:40
Large portions of some take-away meals probably have that much salt in quite easily.

I would just drink water when thirsty, there is no need to load up on water to try and counter balance the high amount of salt.

edit: I know is the daily mail but here is a link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2174624/Takeaways-contain-3-days-worth-salt-single-meal.html

Quotes "A single portion of beef and black bean with fried rice contained 27 g of salt" and "An average doner kebab and chips had 6.5 grams"

So if 8g of salt were harmful people would be dropping dead left right and centre.

25-05-14, 19:02
I used to put more than that on every single meal I ate. I was a total salt junkie, I've stopped now but I'm not dead. There is nothing to worry about what so ever :)