View Full Version : new and old

25-05-14, 17:45
Hello everybody,
My name is ross and am a father of 2 been married for 16 years. I have endured anxiety for 13 years approx. The problem has always been apart from general stress in life, money family issues, job I really am annoyed that I get this disorder. There is a strong family link to historical anxiety disorder from both my mum and dad having it, but not to this extent. Looking back, I tried every medication out there, all sorts of AD and beta blockers all which never really worked. Eventually I ended up on escitalopram 20mg for numerous years which generally kept me on a better level but still not great. I suffered serious sleepiness with it but I could work, just. Over the last year or so I noticed that this just wasn't working as well as previous. I suffered a low mood and very mild anxiety. The gp agreed that the meds just weren't doing it any more and recently moved to Prozac. Currently I am in that journey of trying to get the correct level. I started on 20 mg for 4.5 weeks and they increased it to 40 mg nearly 2 weeks ago. Most of the posts on here describe the effects of feeling worse on medication before it starts to work and I concur with this. Even when I was put onto 40 mg the side effects of increased anxiety later in the day into the night is still evident. I am sure it will work, I just need to give it time, but it is so frustrating. Again looking back I probably didn't have a resource like this that I used for advice and support and if I did I maybe would have stuck some of the early medications out longer, and I maybe wouldn't have suffered for so long.

25-05-14, 18:36
Hi, Ross! :welcome:
I hear you, my friend, I agree, it's frustrating and disappointing both! It has taken me a long time to accept that I do have depression, and maybe anxiety too (?) The depression is a little more clear. The tearfulness, the little loop of negativity and fear that becomes my thought pattern. There's just me and my gp, and though he patiently asks me again and again if I'm depressed, he has to wait until I finally say "yes" to discuss it with me and try to come up with a med that may help. Zoloft was the last one, and finding myself feeling flat I asked to withdraw finally. Now we are trying venlaxafine and so far, so good. But I hear good things about Prozac, too, so hang in there! As you explained (thanks again), it is just a matter of the serotonin getting a chance to come up, and then the side effect of increased anxiety will subside for you. This forum is a godsend. It got me through the early weeks and I'm still getting all kinds of knowledge and support that is helping tremendously. May this be the med for you, Ross, but know that whatever comes the people here will support and encourage and enlighten, back at ya, guy! :flowers:

25-05-14, 19:03
much appreciated, I just wish I new now 13 years ago. I am sure ive tried Prozac before but prob got to 4 weeks and didn't work so gave up onto something else. Gps have not got all the answers and they advise as best they can but there seems to be a gap in the market for someone who can advise on medication and what to expect. If I had not read this site I may have already started to change to find a quick solution. As I sit here my anxiety is the highest its been all day and it can be difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel but so many here have said the same so I hope I am one of the lucky ones who start to be myself again.
cheers ross