View Full Version : 8 weeks off prozac...feel awful again

10-12-06, 20:59
Hi lovely people,

I have been off prozac for 8 weeks now.
I have been ignoring it but tonight I admit I have the depression back in full swing. I am constantly listening to my own thoughts in my head over and over again I just wanna rip my brain out, I feel like the future looks bleak I dont want to go out I dont want to stay in I feel like I have the horrible fog over me again. My agorophobia has come back I am having panic attacks again I cant breath........my doctor will put me back on it again....but surely there is another way of beating this without tablets.
I just want to have a drink that is the only way I can seem to feel a bit better. I am just sitting at the computer with tears streaming down my face..........Im sure you all know how that feels. I am a 27 year old single girl and I have had enough of this ruling my life but it just seems comimg back and taking over my life.....I have had enough. It just doesnt seem fair that we all have to endure this does it. I have no one to give me a hug and thats probably what I need right now.

I can do this !

10-12-06, 21:06
(((((((((((((( Laura ))))))))))
I know it's virtual but here's a hug from me. sorry you're having such a hard time. I plunged back into depression last hear when I came off medication and know what it's like.

Love Jo xx

10-12-06, 21:07
Did you nack on the tabs then joanna ?

I can do this !

10-12-06, 21:08
Sorry in such a state.........I wanted to ask you if you went back on the tablets again joanna

10-12-06, 21:18
'fraid so. I 've just had a complete review of my medication and it's all change again. I've just had enough of all this!!


10-12-06, 21:20
So what have they done with your meds now ?

I can do this !

11-12-06, 08:53
Long story, I'm on mirtazapine have been for ages. Got supplemented with Venlafaxine (Effexor) in the summer. It wasn't doing anything so have been trying to come off it. have had to stop reducing it until after Christmas as the withdrawal is very difficult. I'm now on Lithium - it's usually used for bipolar which I'm not but also for recurrent depression which I do suffer from.

Jo x