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26-05-14, 07:06
Please any one out there help me ....

I started a new job and within two weeks ended up with full blown anxiety so crippling, doc put me on Cipralex 10mg, the first week was like a war zone, sweating, burning hands and feet, feeling nausea, diarrhoea, I have battled through it thinking that as each day passed i would feel better. It is day 12 today and the burning hands and feet and stomach churning and diarohea are still as bad as week one . I have to go back to work tomorrow, ~I can let people se me like this I am terrified i will lose my job . How long are these side effects going to last ?

26-05-14, 08:19
Hi there,

They shouldn't last much longer now but my advice is to get back to your GP. He'll be able to give you something to receive these temporary symptoms - beta blockers worked well for me.


26-05-14, 09:46
Pip Thank you so much ! its so wonderful to have had a response

Things had got so bad this morning, even after I had taken the Propranol beta blockers that i did not know what to do so I called 111 NHS and ended up seeing a GP out of hours at the local hospital, who has given me diazapam. I told me it will make me drowsy and to take it at night. I just want this nightmare to stop. I have been on Cipralex before but remembred the side effects only lasted a couple of weeks. Its now day 12 and it feels as bad as day one.


26-05-14, 10:19
Diazepam will really help over the next few days. Remember that you've been on this before so you know it works - it's just a matter of getting through the start-up symptoms.

I completely sympathise because I've been there and it was horrendous. I ended up at the out of hours clinic at the local hospital. To give you a bit of comfort, once I'd found the right drug at the right dose, I felt great - and still do.

Try to distract yourself if you can. All I wanted to do was stay in bed (although I couldn't sleep) but my partner kept dragging me out for walks which was the best thing I could have done.

Good luck
