View Full Version : Sinus without mucus

26-05-14, 11:34
Hi ladies and gentlemen

Im experiencing sinus pressure on the right side of my nose behind my eye and right side of head....
The only thing is there is no mucus.
I had a bad cold about 6 weeks ago (i never blew my nose so much and im one for not blowing my nose) which cleared the about 2-3 weeks after that I got another cold then a mixture of dry tickly and mucus cough.
The cough has got better but occasional chesty slight mucas cough.

At the minute though I have nothing no mucas no cough and no cold but still experiencing sinus pressure on my right side.
I did notice that last night after having a quiet cry to myself that the pressure was there.

Does this sound like a sinus infection from the cold weeks ago?

Im sorry for posting but every symptom is making me worry and panic

26-05-14, 11:41
It does sound like sinus pressure. Try a steam inhalation with a few menthol crystals in or alternate hot and cold compresses 10 mins each. It should relive the pressure.

26-05-14, 12:37
Hey thanks for the reply :) its just worrying me because of the no mucus.

I will give it ago. Perhaps I might see the dr tomorrow and half explain this HA to him.:yesyes:

26-05-14, 12:38
I have this at the moment it went for a couple of days then came back ��

26-05-14, 12:55
So glad its not just me lol. Sometimes I think im.the only person ever to have these symptoms :doh:

26-05-14, 12:59
I've had 2 sinus infections with no mucus. It's so painful. I would go to the doctor. They gave me antiboditics I felt much better.

26-05-14, 13:11
I never get mucus with sinus problems.

26-05-14, 15:05
Generally if your mucus is flowing then thats a good sign, when it stops thats the classic recipe for a sinus infection...blockage or thick mucus in the sinuses.

Steam and drinking plenty of water is the best cure.

26-05-14, 17:28
Cheera for the reply guys. So appteciated

But I was inspecting my nose you know as you do :whistles: and the inside of my right nostril lookes red and inflamed, and only way to describe it is, like I cant see the hole right at the back where as my left nostril looks clear... does this sound right with a sinus infection?

Sorrry for asking but in such a flap.

I've taken decongestant and will steam before bed tonight.

26-05-14, 17:44
Yes it sounds right if it is really blocked in your sinus. My gp told me not to bother with the decongestant and just do the steam inhalation and hot/cold compress.

26-05-14, 17:53
Ok thank you :blush: will give it a go... its not constant nor really painful....