View Full Version : Withdrawal - muscle pains and breathless..

26-05-14, 15:20
I've been on 30mg for probably about 2 years (it has worked v well for me) and in March I moved down to 20mg. I then found I was pregnant so soon moved down to 15mg, following on to 10/15mg, and now the doc wants me to come off it so this last week it's been 5/10 and the last few days 5mg or less or nothing!
Anyway I've been getting calf pain the last week (as well as some other pain) I went to hospital and having to have a scan tomorrow and supposed to be taking blood thinners until then in case it's anything (a whole other story!) I have been soo whacked, and today I have been feeling a bit breathless, worse when walking around. But the calf thing and these meds have been worrying me also.
Do you think what I'm experiencing could be withdrawal symptoms? Is breathlessness common when coming off citalopram? Also I'm wondering if the pain in my leg could be due to tense muscles. I sometimes get bits of pain in my other leg too.

Thanks for any replies!