View Full Version : Heartburn and citalopram

26-05-14, 17:04
Does anyone else have heartburn with citalopram? I'm also taking esomeprazole for acid but have started what I think is heartburn. It's really worrying me as it is in my chest and down my gullet. This morning I took my esomeprazole and about half an hour later had a burning in my chest, then cold and sweaty. I was convinced it was a heart attack or burst aorta and went into a hideous panic state from which I haven't recovered, despite taking a diazepam. I am very very stressed at the moment as daughter in law is having complications in her pregnancy and baby will have to be delivered this week. She's had steroids to help with the lung development so hopefully all will be well. I just can't believe it's stress causing me these symptoms and I'm very scared. My tummy feels a bit burny too but it's the chest that's reality frightening me. I have HA and am terrified of doctors, tests etc.