View Full Version : First Timer and scared :-(

26-05-14, 17:49
Hi Everyone, I've been reading this forum for a few days and the things I have been reading are helping ease my mind, but I wanted to post anyway just because of that personal connection rather than reading someone else's posts. I have been suffering with GAD and health anxiety for years and have just dealt with it until recently I decided enough was enough. I started seeing a counsellor and she suggested that maybe I try meds. So I went to the Doc and he prescribed me 10mg of Cipralex. Well like all of us with anxiety, I was scared out of my mind to start, but I bit the bullet and took my first one before bed and the next day I felt horrible! Which led me to looking online for answers and eventually on to this site and this forum where I did a bunch of reading on side effects and learned that I probably should have started at 5mg to ease the side effects. However the doctor didn't mention this to me.. So the next night I broke one in half and took the 5mg and next day it wasn't quite as bad. I am now on day 4 of the 5mg dose and I wanted to see if what I am feeling is normal. When I wake up in the morning I am feeling woozy and shaky and I am having way more anxiety than normal, but as the day goes on and into the late evening where it's almost time for my next dose the side effects get progressively better almost as if it's wearing off and leaving my system only to go through the same thing the next day. So my question is, is this normal? will the 5mg eventually build up in my system and this start to get better? I am really scared to up it to 10mg again for fear of feeling really crappy. If someone can chime in here I'd really appreciate it as I am confused and just about ready to give up on this med. Thanks!

26-05-14, 19:42
Hi Icann im not taking the same as you but alot of medicines have side effects its early days love hang in there see how you go and you will find alot of help and support here love xx

26-05-14, 21:30
Hi Icann, I am in the same boat its day 12 for me , on 10mg the side effects have been worse than i expected.. I had hoped that they would have gone in a week , but i look forward each day in the hope they will go away. I think you did the sensible thing and started on 5mg, I have stuck with 10mg but I have really paid the price. with diarrhoea , burning and tingling in my arms hands and feet really ratty and impatient anxious and a bit scared, some folks have said its better to take meds at night with something light. I feel the same the same cycle. Take your time but don't give up. The first few days are the worst but it will get better. Try and keep busy and keep more mind preoccupied as much as you can. Big hugs and Kiss.

26-05-14, 22:44
Thanks for the very kind replies! It's amazing to have the support from people going through the same things. I really hope I do start to feel better soon because my mind keeps asking itself why on earth I would take a medication that actually makes the problems worse that it is supposed to make better. I've been on vacation the last 10 days, but back to work tomorrow.. Of course anxious about this.. But also should help keep my mind off these feelings rather than sitting around the house thinking about how I'm feeling

26-05-14, 23:00
Icann its good to have something to focus on like work ,you need to stay positive you will get there try some exercise aswell that helps and most of all its about accepting its anxiety and nothing more sinister ,we all help each other out here we all understand each other if I can be of any help to you feel free to ask xx

27-05-14, 19:32
Well quick update on my first day back to work, I'm just on a lunch break but so far I've noticed increased sweating, blurred vision, pretty bad joint pain in my fingers and hands, and still feeling woozy and "off" I'm starting to wonder if it was really worth it.. which is worse, dealing with all these strange problems, or dealing with the anxiety... I'm not sure if these issues will level off and go away or what, but right now I am quite uncomfortable.

30-05-14, 19:44
Another update: after my last post and feeling so strange, I decided to dial it back again to 2.5mg and have been doing that for 3 days. Whether that is the right thing to do or not I don't know, but it's making a difference. I am still a bit brain foggy and legs feel a bit shaky but it's better. I will do this till next week and see how I feel and if the side effects wear off completely I will then up it back to 5mg. If I don't start to feel better by this time next week on 2.5mg I will likely stop them. How are you doing Houseman?

02-06-14, 15:52
Hi I hope you are ok. It is never easy starting up these ads bit this will all go away. Promise. All quite normal. I have been on Escitalopram for year or so now and dont know I am taking it. Have a vurus at mo so its just not quite cutting it today but normally helps me a lot x

03-06-14, 05:07
I have been on Escitalopram for year or so now and dont know I am taking it.

What dose do you take?