View Full Version : Does it work .....

05-08-04, 11:41
I joined this site a couple of days ago due to anxiety attacks which started around month ago. It is mainly due to a break up in my last relationship/job changing etc.

I go through ups :Dand downs [V] all the time - the downs mainly happen when im by myself.

Is it true that writing down your feelings on a daily basis helps?

Caz Fab Pants
05-08-04, 12:02
I think its helpful to write things down because it means your off-loading your feelings instead of just having them spinning around your head.

Its a bit like telling someone except you dont get a reply or any advice and you know its not going to go any further.

Its also good to look back on when things are on the up because you can see how far you've come.

Caroline :)

05-08-04, 13:15
A good thing to do when thoughts are going around and around in your head (especially when you're trying to sleep) is to write down what you are thinking/ stressing about, look at it on the paper, think about it and then at the end throw it away.

Seeing our thoughts in black and white help us to stop constantly playing them over in our heads. It really does work, try it.


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

05-08-04, 14:52
Keeping a journal is a great way to track patterns and trends .

If you are angry or have emotions you cannot express writing them all out is very cathartic and helpful - you can burn them , cherish them , bury them etc when you're finished with them.


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

05-08-04, 19:15
I think so definitely, when i was put on anti- depressents to stop my panic attacks, my doctor asked me to write down when things got worse, i hvae actually carried on doing this becuase it helped me so much!! give it a try?


05-08-04, 21:21
good tip,i may tey dat

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

06-08-04, 12:16
Hi there

I think writing your feelings down is a great idea. I do this sometimes too and it can help to clarify your thoughts a little. With so much going on in your life at the moment its no surprise you're feeling anxious. For some unknown reason things always seem to happen at once which it much fun for us but you'll be fine and soon enough the ups will be happening more than the downs :D

Take care
Love Jo xx

06-08-04, 14:20
how's the diary thing going?


06-08-04, 15:21
Hi H

Going to start it this weekend, know it sounds a it sad but quite looking forward to it[8D]!

Was supposed to start last night but i was out lastnight with a couple of people from work - i was quite chuffed with myself as i didnt want to go at first but pushed myself to go and had a really good night but phoned my parents at midnight and they werent chuffed - it got me down this morning as they kept saying "you need to get your life in order etc etc" and im thinking, well, i think ive done fine so far etc etc. But i suppose that is a parents role, so i had a good cry by myself and got on with the day ahead. I just find it hard sometimes to describe to my parents what im actually feeling because one day i feel fine and the next day can be bad etc etc.

But at the end of the day only i can help me so im sure ill get their - it will be on big party when i do :D

Hope you have a cracking weekend,


18-08-04, 14:16
Hi Paul

I tried to write some thoughts and feelings down, and I felt like it helped a bit but as I'm jittery and restless all the time I find it hard to concentrate. My doctor presribed me betablockers but I havent taken them yet. I felt like they were the last resort, but now I'm not so sure.

I'm glad writing things down has been a help to you, plus going out and actually enjoying yourself is a big achievement - well done.


18-08-04, 17:26
Hi Alison,

I went to the doctors last week at she pescribed me beetablockers but i haven't picked up the pescription as A) i didnt want to get addicted to them and B) like you said, it is my last resort.

Thankfully, i feel better that i did for the past month but im still not back to my usual misbehaving self (!) but i can see light at the end of the tunnel and with the advice and support everyone has given me at NoMorePanic it has made things easier.

Take Care


18-08-04, 17:54
You can't get addicted to betablockers .
They just supress scary symptoms . Good for racing heart beats type symptoms.


19-08-04, 08:27
Hi Paul

Really glad that you feel better. Thats inspiration to us all.

Its nice to hear some positive stories as I've been to my doc a few times as I just want to talk to someone to give me reassurance and they just want to medicate me.

Thanks Meg for the gen on the tablets though. I might take one on friday as I'm going to the v festival which I should find fun but am actually dreading!!

Take care
