View Full Version : can tamazapam help anxiety

26-05-14, 18:12
Having a very bad day of anxiety today.constant negative thinking and big time worrying.i have some tomazapam would a small dose say 5mg help to calm me down and relax me

26-05-14, 18:19
Yes it would make you feel more relaxed and should help you to sleep tonight too.

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:17 ----------

Will add though...if you are taking it don't have any alcohol tonight as they don't go well together :)

26-05-14, 18:28
Wasnt going to drink annie and allao was going to take it now just a small amount so shouldnt make me to tired and hopfully it will just relax me a bit not sleep.would you agry

26-05-14, 18:35
Yes it is only a small dose so it should just calm you down.

26-05-14, 18:38
Thanks annie..how have you been doing latley

26-05-14, 18:41
Not too good Greg, I had a minor operation last Tuesday and had general anaesthetic. I got so worked up about it that it has triggered my anxiety again :(

26-05-14, 18:48
Ohh annie sorry to hear that love...scarry going into hospital for anything.what you been upto this weekwnd

26-05-14, 18:53
I have just been at home relaxing. Luckily it was sunny here today so I sat out in the garden for a bit. I think the fresh air has done me some good.

26-05-14, 18:56
Oh well thats nice you managed to get out in the sun.been very dark and dull wet hear all weekend..you cant beat sitting in the sun.our body needa the vitamins from the sun.hows your sleeping going nowasays annie..my sleep has been good for a while again.had a blip a few weeks ago not sure what happend there but seem to be getting back on track..are you getting a good night sleep

26-05-14, 19:01
I was sleeping better but I have been on hrt which helped but then needed the op and had to go cold turkey on the hrt. Now in the process of it being changed so hormones all over the place and not sleeping again. Consultant said it should all be settled again in a couple of months. Supposed to be going on holiday in 2 weeks so hope I feel a bit better for that.

26-05-14, 19:07
Jesus no wonder you are all over the place and going cold turky is very hard.i hope you get better for your holiday.sounds to me you could do with one to relax and get some you time.nice hot weather in a beach and around a pool..lovely

26-05-14, 19:14
Not looking forward to the journey (Malta) but hopefully I can relax in the sun when we get there.

26-05-14, 19:24
Yea thats the spirit annie.id be afraid of the jurney to.but once you are there you are going to have so much fun in the sun..are you going for a week or two..

26-05-14, 19:38
Just one week, I can't cope with being away from home any longer. I miss my cats :D I am sounding like Susan Boyle now :roflmao:

26-05-14, 19:44
Ha ha.bless you.theres nothing like fking on a holiday and looking forwad to getting back to homelife and our pets..hope yku feel better on the build up to your holiday and have a livelt time

26-05-14, 19:46
Thank you Greg :) I have been dragged on a plane crying before and had a panic attack while on so they will get me there somehow :)

26-05-14, 19:53
Planes have allways been a masive problem for me esp hights.big hotels etc bridges.if iv been on holiday in england iv allways had to google map it first to look at the route to acoid bridges and tunnels and check hotel to make sure im on ground floor..i hvnt been abroad since i was 14 thats 34 years ago and dont think id ever be able to go abroad ever again.which makes having a girlfriend very hard as most people get on planes...id live to have my old care free life like i did when i was a kid.never would have thought for one min id end up disabled like this

26-05-14, 20:05
When I was in my 20's I went to America on my own. I can't even go 10 mile out of my comfort zone on my own now.
You could go on the Euro tunnel to Europe :)

26-05-14, 20:17
Cant do tunnels i avoid trains plus i would get very anxious going to far away from home.so wouldnr be able to do it.my x wife tried for 10 years to get me on trains and the euro.cant even get on a ferry to just pop over to caley... feel totaly traped and feel iv missed out so much..nwver had any of this 10 years ago.i got all these strange fears and phobias over night.just like a light switch ...Bang.and had them all.cant get in lifts hate being in open spaces or small spaces.i couldnt even get on a bus 10 years ago.it took me months going to a bus stoo every day and watching busses then slowly getting on one and getting off at the very next stop.i slowly whent further and further.now days i donr have a problem with busses anymore.

26-05-14, 20:19
You will have to take just one thing at a time and conquer it. If we could do these things before I believe we can somehow get to do them again.

26-05-14, 20:30
Yep.im sure you are right annie..if i could just walk onto a boat and look around and get a feel for it...it would prob help..the train thing would be a hard one tho.esp as the euro goes very quick..just hope theres enough time left in my lifetime to get past some of them

26-05-14, 21:07
You have to do it gradually. I couldn't go in supermarkets so I started by going to the car park and sitting there for a while. When I felt comfortable with that I walked to the shop entrance, when I could do that I went to the sweet counter bit and eventually got further into the shop and did some shopping :)

26-05-14, 21:21
Yep thats excelent annie.pritty much how i did it with the buses.takes time but as you discovered it does work in time.when im feeling better and a bit more confedant i will try more things to give myself a better quality of life