View Full Version : Anxiety Attack vs Alcohol withdrawal...HELP IM 19 MALE & FEEL LIKE IM ON A BREAK DOWN

26-05-14, 20:48
Im 19 year old male and i have been suffering from some sort of anxiety attack or alcohol withdrawal i cant quite put my finger on these attacks but i only drink on a weekend but the next day like sunday i suffer from panic attack/heart palpitations, im twitching i feelin lik im on a break down i cant cope with it anymore, i feel like im mentally breaking down the only person who knows about this is my girfriend but it seems to have got worse since i told her because she is always telling me to get help. Im starting to feel suicidal im constantly checking my pulsee. can somebody pleas give me some advice or how i can get help. I feel like if i go to my doctors they might section me or i might cry infront of them, its got to point where i cant take it anymore, HELP:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

26-05-14, 22:54
Have the same dude, can't breathe? funny light\bumpy chest feelings? generally scared? Panic disorder for me... get yourself a checkup and make sure everything is OK, then you know its just your mind screwing with you. Drop the caffeine and nicotine, accept that alcohol will make a fuss the next day. Breathing exercises are best, just knowing you are fine physically helps to stop the worry and make you focus... you're not mad!

Catherine S
27-05-14, 00:27
Sorry Jordan, bit confused as you say you are a 19yr old male but your profile has you down as female? But whatever..probably not a good idea to drink so much on the weekends if your hangovers are so bad.

27-05-14, 16:14
They won't section you, not unless you say you have serious plans to kill yourself (but do tell them if you do). It sounds like you're having panic attacks brought on when the depressant effects of alcohol are leaving your system. This can happen. Try laying off drinking for a while and see how you feel. Alcohol isn't worth sending yourself into a breakdown over.

28-05-14, 12:51
It's not alcohol withdrawal, it's anxiety. Period. Alcohol withdrawal is seizures and hallucinations. Well it is a product of a hangover which technically is withdrawal but it's honesty not serious, it just feels that way.

28-05-14, 13:01
Im 19 year old male and i have been suffering from some sort of anxiety attack or alcohol withdrawal i cant quite put my finger on these attacks but i only drink on a weekend but the next day like sunday i suffer from panic attack/heart palpitations, im twitching i feelin lik im on a break down i cant cope with it anymore, i feel like im mentally breaking down

Can you put your finger on it now? Alcohol and anxiety don't mix...

Positive thoughts