View Full Version : It's Gone! Maybe 4 Good! Get RID OF PA NOW!

10-12-06, 23:47
I have been PA free for 3 days now. not having breathing problems and my appetite is good. still okay. Get rid of PA now by visiting this site. read it and soon u'll discover that all this are gone....it did work for me...http://www.panicend.com/

11-12-06, 00:00
yeah the whole friggin website. i battle my pa and let it control me. i managed to bear with it....2nd day....it was coming but neva came...third day..i got it under control...if u want ur pa cured read the whole article...it did work for me...mine's still there but now my pa is scared of me...cheers! now need to find a cure for my gastric and burpings...

11-12-06, 00:14
if u really read and understand what the writer wrote....u have to go over "THAT" wall of yours and let it come and get you. let the panic come and control u...the next u noe it was gone...i have stop the 7-11 thing but i will keep my stress level checked....i really hope it will help u....try...

11-12-06, 00:16
u have to be positive! that's help me...it was u guys who help me stay postive...now it your turn...

11-12-06, 00:17
Ok well good for you then. Perhaps you could mail them and tell them they helped you as that is good news.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

11-12-06, 00:21
try...that's all i can say...i've completed reading all those comments/stories in the website...i was sceptic at first but without realising it was over just like that....i cant say that everyones the same....the pa that's been buggin me for 6 years is under my control...not it..

11-12-06, 00:33
i'm trying to help of course...we all been helping each other aint we...cus it helps me so why not i share. maybe it works for me but it wont work for others maybe some.

11-12-06, 00:35
"once you have made the desire to travel to the "OTHER side" of fear by letting it do its positively worse to you then ...there is NOTHING...nothing there"

11-12-06, 04:36
Ok I didn't read the whole thing but I read the disclaimer thing and it says he is a scientist, not trained in any psychology??? I don't get it, did he just make this up? And it says its not a subsitute for medical assistance. Is that normal?

but thats great that its working for you! I hope you just keep getting better and better!!

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-You are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

11-12-06, 09:12
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Ok I didn't read the whole thing but I read the disclaimer thing and it says he is a scientist, not trained in any psychology??? I don't get it, did he just make this up? And it says its not a subsitute for medical assistance. Is that normal?

but thats great that its working for you! I hope you just keep getting better and better!!

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-You are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

<div align="right">Originally posted by mackncody - 11 December 2006 : 04:36:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Most responsible self help stuff will advise you that it isn't a substitute for medical advice (although to be fair, a lot of the 'medical' advice I've had was dreadful, lol).
I use a Glen Harrold CD for fears and phobias for example, he says anyone with deep rooted anxiety and panic should see someone on a one to one basis.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

11-12-06, 09:14
It certainly makes sense,but I think I already knew that panic is fear of fear.When I become anxious/panicky,I practise breathing techniques and repeat affirmations to stop my thoughts.As long as I do this early enough,I dont get feeling too bad.
I am much better since joining nmp it has been a godsend,always someone here who understands.
Im happy that you have discovered the way to end your panic attacks.
Take care
julie x

11-12-06, 13:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">It certainly makes sense,but I think I already knew that panic is fear of fear.When I become anxious/panicky,I practise breathing techniques and repeat affirmations to stop my thoughts.As long as I do this early enough,I dont get feeling too bad.
I am much better since joining nmp it has been a godsend,always someone here who understands.
Im happy that you have discovered the way to end your panic attacks.
Take care
julie x

<div align="right">Originally posted by hopeful - 11 December 2006 : 09:14:51</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I'm the same. I hardly have any full on panic attacks now, breathing and keeping your mind calm are better than any med IMO.
I still sadly have general anxiety as a result of my OCD, but I figure if I managed to get a handle on the attacks, then I can get a handle on this.

Hopefully there will be others on here who will benefit from the link, learning breathing techniques is one of the best things anyone with panic disorder can do for themselves. It's vital I think.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."