View Full Version : Feeling lost....

26-05-14, 21:57
Evening all,

Firstly apologies if I have posted this in the incorrect forum!

I didn't know where to turn & people on here have been so helpful before.

I suffer from reoccurring panic, depression & aniexty along with OCD so I'm a bit of a mixed bag but lately I've been suffering with a fear of dying in my sleep that so much so I'll pray 3 times before bed, then 3 times again & this happens around 4-5 times before I can actually settle. I worry that as I eat badly & smoke that this is going to give me a heart attack whilst I sleep & that I'll never wake up! Sounds ridiculous I know!

But I can't stop it & I sit there & know I should eat better & go to the gym but I just can't muster the energy as I feel so tired all the time. I'm feeling nervous, panicky & just a bit well meh would be the only way to describe it.

Could anyone offer any insight it's really starting to get me down :(

HB xx

28-05-14, 07:24
There are thousands of resources which can help you. This ocd quiz http://illnessquiz.com/ocd-test/ can help you and give you insight whether you need treatment. If you feel symptoms are i cnterfering with your activities then i think you need to consult psychiatrist.