View Full Version : severe bug now difficulty breathing

27-05-14, 13:23
ok so basically i awoke yest at 3am severe stomach cramps, went to loo and horrendous dirrohea followed by immense vomiting

this happened every 5-10 mins until 3pm (12 hours)

since then when i sleep i keep wasking up struggling for breath or even when i take a sip of hot or cold drinks

only other probelm is muscles keep cramping every few mins (like my toes crossing over each other)

should i be worried re the ifficulty breathing or do you think this possibly due to damaging my throat with being so sick for 12 hours

27-05-14, 13:35
Your muscles cramping sounds like dehydration, so try to drink plenty of fluids.

This isn't the place for this question though, you really need to see a Doctor as soon as possible in my opinion.

It's almost certainly related to your illness, but you need to be sure with breathing difficulty.

27-05-14, 13:39
thanks joe

yea - im drinking as much water as physically can - i thought dehydration too re cramps

also assumed the breathing was after such severe vomiting attack as has never haopened before - 80% normal but the odd occasion where i find a struggle but not well enough to leave house today

Catherine S
27-05-14, 13:48
Also, vomiting and diarrhea can cause a loss of minerals such as magnesium, a lack of which can cause cramps and muscle spasms.

27-05-14, 15:33
Sounds like a nasty norovirus. Can I just say...Please don't go to hospital unless you really have to - half of my hospital is closed down with it and we're awafully understaffed as everyone is ill! It's a nightmare

27-05-14, 16:39
thanks all

no hospital for me today - managed some soup and yet more water so fingers crossed

28-05-14, 19:40

breathing back to normal :)

but cannot stay awake at all, sleeping approx 16hrs a day if not more

also still dirrohea and nausea and difficulty eating :(

getting a bit worried now

29-05-14, 14:32
Sounds like a bad bug - perhaps best ring your gp and tell him your symptoms.

30-05-14, 09:59
You probably need some sugar as well, to be honest, as if you've only managed soup and water your blood sugar might be a bit low, which will make you feel rough.

31-05-14, 21:02
thanks guys seem to be over it now :)