View Full Version : The Dentist!

27-05-14, 14:25
Hello everyone

Since last September my tooth has felt a little suspect. I thought it was anxiety knocking on the door as that was when I got married and went on my honeymoon. But it's never really gone away.

I know my tooth is virtually dead. The tooth itself no longer hurts and any pain (which is very minimal) comes from the root. The gum around the tooth feels a little more sensitive then the rest of my gums but I brush my teeth twice everyday (not lying!) and will use Cordisol if it feels on the sensitive side, so infection is virtually non-existent.

But in saying that I am terrified of 1) developing an abscess 2) the tooth falling out and exposing raw gum. I know that I need to go to the dentist but.... THEY FLIPPING TERRIFY ME!!

I suppose I could call it a phobia. I cannot watch dentists doing procedures on the TV, the sound of the drill makes every fiber of my body crawl and the smell makes me want to projectile vomit. The last time that I went I had to have my husband in the room with me, there was no way on his god damn planet that I was doing it alone!!!

So, I've got to bite the bullet and be a brave girl and book an appointment to see the dentist. Booking it is fine, I can do that, it's physically going there and sitting in the dentist chair whilst he pokes and prods at my teeth (writing this has just made me feel nauseous!!). I suppose I'm asking for inspirational and motivational words.

And cuddles, give me lots of cuddles!

27-05-14, 14:30
I am totally the same but now have a new dentist who specialises in anxiety and phobias. He is so good, really manages to calm me down (and if he doesn't he sticks sedative in my arm!). I feel so much safer through him as he takes his time and talks me through everything and I know he will stop at any point. There are quite a few anxiety dental clinics around so it may be worth looking for one.

27-05-14, 14:44
I did have a quick look and the dentists that mention anything about anxious patients were private practices, which I cannot afford. I have found an NHS practice not far from me which I will call up... at some point.

27-05-14, 14:53
Our NHS dentist will refer patients to anxiety clinics, it usually takes a while though.

27-05-14, 16:32
Near me is a lovely dentist who sees NHS patients on a Monday and private the rest of the week, he is caring and patient and has this calming effect, got to say he is quite dishy as well :D. :D. Oh forgot to say he's a very good dentist as well so ring round and ask the question don't just except the one near you because Its closer.
I was a complete baby when it came to dentists but not to bad now.

27-05-14, 17:02
Right well you KNOW you are gonna have to get your teeth looked at because there's clearly something not right and nobody here can put that right. Only a dentist who will immediately work it out and sort it for you quickly and easily.

So I think you are just left wanting advice on how best to get through it.
So firstly, maybe you can wear headphones. That way you can listen to your favourite tunes so you can't hear any drills etc.

Then with your eyes closed you only have to contend with the annoyance of someone fiddling around with your teeth. So imagine, instead of a rubbish dentist it's actually Chris Hemsworth/Thor who has walked in and with his posh English accents says

"Oh hi, Rennie isn't it ? I'm sorry but I just had to take a look at your teeth. I've been told they're magnificent. I'm just going to put my t-shirt down here if that's ok. Oh look, it's true, they are specTACular. And look at these ones, they are amAZING (blah blah blaaah)"

With your tunes on and that little movie playing in your mind you'll be thinking "yeeeeh, no problem chris, you take as long as ya want mate. This is ace. I'm coming here every week"

( not your best one is it dave ?
Nooo, no it's not but if she fancies Thor it just might work.
Yeh ?
Youre a nob.
I know )

Nobbing around over, your body has to be there but your mind doesn't !
Focusing on drills and teeth makes you feel nauseous, don't focus on drills and teeth.

I wonder if you could call in or call beforehand and ask if they can help in anyway and if you're allowed to wear headphones etc
You could maybe listen to music or an audiobook/ podcast.
Tell them you suffer from anxiety and the drill sound freeks you out.

One things for sure now, when you're sitting in that chair, all you're going to be able to think of is THOR !

I bet at the end you even say "thanks Thor" to the dentist and he'll be like "eh ??"


Hi Rennie, I'm Chris, your dentist. I'm just going to put my t-shirt down here. Is that ok ?

27-05-14, 17:09
OMG you're a legend. I LOVE Thor! And that picture will definitely be saved onto my phone for, well, you know, precautionary reasons of course. And maybe a few of Darren Hayes, just to be extra sure.

Playing music sounds like a really good idea, that way they can get on with it whilst I drift off listening to BRMC whilst dreaming of Thor sticking his fingers in my mouth... the innuendo got lost there.

Thanks, Oosh, stay awesome!

27-05-14, 17:21

27-05-14, 18:37
:roflmao: Excellent!! I am going to try that next time...much better than sedation :D

27-05-14, 23:32
I also hate the dentist!! Can I borrow that pic to get my through my fillings next week? :)