View Full Version : Sensitive teeth?

27-05-14, 14:48
Anybody here have sensitive front teeth?
For a long time now I've been self conscious about my two front teeth one is slightly longer then the other. :(
The dentist said she can file them down for me but they will become sensitive so I need to think about it first, me having health anxiety i am worried I will be in constant pain with the teeth, I've never had sensitive teeth so I'm looking for some advise if anyone has gotten there teeth filed or anyone with sensitive teeth what's it like living with it?

Getting me teeth sorted will make me smile more and boost my confidence but I'm scared x

28-05-14, 07:15
No i have sensitive nose, whenever i smell perfume my nose start tiring

28-05-14, 10:57
I have terrible sensitive front teeth, I haven't had them filled or anything but ive suffered with sensitive teeth since I was early teens. I chipped my tooth when I was about 16 (was drinking from a glass bottle and my friend jumped up and headbutted the bottle which pushed it into my tooth) its been extra sensitive since then but ive just got on with it lol. I have also that condition where the teeth start going clear? cant think what it's caused. you can by some good toothpaste for sensitive teeth, works well with mine. hope ive been some help! :blush:

28-05-14, 14:34
I have sensitive teeth due to gums receding. I fact I have been to the dentist this morning to have my teeth cleaned. Had my gums numbed first.
I have sensitive toothpaste on prescription only.
You can buy similar tooth paste for sensitive teeth by Colgate
and I find a child's soft toothbrush is better than a adult tooth brush.
I have been told that there is nothing else that can be done.
Sorry I have not been very helpful.

28-05-14, 14:47
Gosh Magic I feel your pain!! I have really sensitive teeth too and it drives me mad. Some days it seem anything and everything starts them off, my front top seem more sensitive than others. I get zapping pains and electric shock type pains. This then starts of my anxiety as I am terrified of getting a toothache. I do use colgate pro relief on dentist advice, didnt know there was one on prescription. Im at dentist for a check up friday so will ask him.:)

28-05-14, 18:12
I have sensitive front teeth. Best thing I have found for it (helps with receding gums too) is tooth soap aka tooth chips. They are tiny bits of soap used to clean teeth. The amount of glycerol in them is tiny compared with commercial toothpaste so it allows your teeth to heal themselves.

28-05-14, 18:38
I deal with this too. I've always had sensitive teeth but it's been a lot worse since radiation ;( Brushing, flossing, even eating is uncomfortable. Definitely use an extra soft brush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth. It's just one of those things we sometimes have to deal with for whatever reason...

Positive thoughts