View Full Version : Saying hello

27-05-14, 16:59
Hello folks.

Just popping in. I have had anxiety issues on and off for a lot of my life. However, was free for the last 9 years following a sort of breakthrough in my understanding. Recently though, a build up of things (husband diagnosed with an illness, a health worry of my own) has caused a full-blown return of my anxiety. It seems focused on catastrophic imaginings about my health symptoms, even though I have seen my doctor and a specialist twice and been told it isn't anything serious. I made the mistake of googling and saw one thing that terrified me and I can't forget.

The main thing is, I wake each morning, remember my worries and bam! back comes all the adrenaline and scary thoughts, and I spend the day unable to relax, settle or concentrate on anything but my anxiety. Then I worry it will never go, etc. etc. etc. I am sure many of you are familiar with this. I thought I had cracked it and wouldn't ever go here again, but I am. So I guess I'm looking to find out that It's not just me, and that someone out there understands the hamster wheel that seems impossible to get off.

28-05-14, 07:14
I think no one is able to help

28-05-14, 09:14
Hey Angelika,

You are not alone. I can totally relate to everything you said. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for many years. For a long time it was kept under control by attending regular psychotherapy sessions but a few years ago I was diagnosed with a long term health condition and things got out of control. I realised I needed more help so I started taking antidepressants for more support. I am still no where near out of the woods as it has taken a long time to find the right medication but I am hopeful things might begin to get better soon. Have you been to your GP to talk through some options of any available help, meds etc? I really understand how illness can hugely impact on yours and your families life. Its sounds to me like things are tough for you at the moment and the build up of stress and worry is causing more hightend anxiety. There is help out there!! Sometimes it's hard to think clearly when you feel so anxious and essential things like sleep and eating properly go out of the window leading to more anxiety. If you work is there any chance you can take some time off and rest? In the meantime keep posting - there is some great support on this forum.

I will be thinking of you today,

Best wishes, Gem

28-05-14, 09:42
Thanks. It's nice just to know it's not just me! I noticed something daft. If I do get a day when I wake feeling slightly less anxious than usual, I still feel 'weird' and can't forget watching myself. I then worry about the feeling weird! in case that's another symptom of some hidden illness. Just crazy. I long for the day I just wake up and don't think about myself again. :unsure: