View Full Version : Kidney issues real v health anxiety

27-05-14, 18:12
I have been in and out of hospital last 4 days with right sided abdominal/back pain and extreme nausea. After several consultations if was thought kidney stones was the culprit. X-ray didn't reveal any, ultrasound nothing but blood and protein in urine. Combined with major loss of weight and nausea problems all year and my mums mum dying of kidney disease young my mind is playing with me again.

Googled protein in urine and bang worrying like mad now.

Still very unwell and can't distinguish between what's real and what my health anxiety wants me to think..

I've been referred to a urologist. Just want to feel better again :(

27-05-14, 21:01
Wow trueman, I didn't see this post earlier when we talking about CBT! I have the exact same going on which is why I mentioned I'm scared of bloodwork coming back. My urine was clear but now waiting on blood and I have an ultrasound Thursday. Terrified it's my kidneys, gallbladder, or liver. (My mom had liver cancer)
I did try writing out the rational thoughts but it's not working for me right now. I do often wonder if my anxiety causes me to make these pains up. Where is your pain? Mine is mainly in my right hip towards my belly button and occasionally under my ribs.
Hopefully the urologist can find out what's going on with you, did you do an ultrasound too?

28-05-14, 08:58
Hi Amandala. My pain is right side waistline hip and down pelvis side and groin. Comes in waves like labour pain. And back ache. Nausea a lot. Had ultrasound and X-ray both didn't show stones. But the thinking is still stones. So combined with urine results of protein and blood referred to a urologist. Have a family history of kidney issues and actually it's the one thing that I've never worried about until now weirdly! Now thinking all this off on right side pain wasn't my appendix ha ha but my kidneys :(

When does your blood work come back? Fingers crossed all ok for you :)

28-05-14, 09:45
Sorry to see you've been so unwell Trueman, I hope your doctors can get to the bottom of it soon. I've had similar issues myself, with health anxiety being triggered by actual health issues rather than imagined ones.

The advice I can offer you is this, you need to practice trusting your doctors and not allowing yourself to worry about things/diagnoses that have not happened. It's wasted energy, and the stress will make you feel worse. Instead focus your energy on relaxation practices and taking care of yourself. Use your CBT to help you rationalise the situation and not indulge the irrational fears. It does get easier, you'll get better at it with practice.

28-05-14, 10:53
Sorry to see you've been unwell Trueman. I have myself kidney disease ( I wont go into detail ) and I can understand your fears although of course I don't worry about mine (madness!!) As said above, trust your doctors, I understand it's hard but we just have to put our faith in them. after all - they are the qualified ones. we are not. and nor is google! thinking of you.

28-05-14, 11:30
Thanks November & HoneyLove. I think this is half the problem with anxiety/health issues. Where the fine line is between imaginery/fortune telling and what is actually real. How some people shrug off abnormal blood results, test etc so easily compared to us or me at least! I ended up on Google again. I need to stay away. But when you know something is up it is so hard.. but yes, trust the doctors…

..which even yesterday when I had the abdominal ultrasound I didn't do! The test took 5 mins compared to ultrasounds of the pelvis I have before that was about 10-15mins. He seemed to skirt over my tummy and then say there is nothing there… so I immediately thought 'you haven't looked properly have you?!' Then he told me 'anyway with kidney stones you wouldn't get nausea which I know is completely untrue. So then I didn't trust his ultrasound analysis! UGH.

I suppose because my bloods came back fine (which I am assuming included any kidney initial analysis) then I should try to calm down. I am trying to.

28-05-14, 19:44
Thanks trueman- just got the blood results and all is perfect. Waiting to hear now if the doc still wants me to have the ultrasound or not (I'd prefer not yo since I can't handle waiting for results but maybe best to be thorough) :)

28-05-14, 20:03
That's great! Relax!

29-05-14, 01:04
Thank you! Trying to relax but the doc does want the ultrasound tomorrow and I don't know how I am going to survive until Monday to get the results...any ideas on how to cope?

29-05-14, 08:12
No results afterwards? Guess just focus on bloods being really good? If anything untoward happening your bloods would show something? That's what I'm telling myself :) hope it all works out ok..

29-05-14, 12:54
Yeah, they won't tell you anything until the radiologist looks at it and sends it to the doc. I am so scared right now I want to cancel...

30-05-14, 19:54
Ok, just an update: I did force myself to go knowing the wait until Monday would be torture. I left there panicking, the woman would not even hint that I was ok :)
Anyway, just got a call from the doc and there is nothing to be seen. so I am going the club of "I don't know what is wrong with me" :)

Sorry, I highjacked your post a bit trueman :blush:

31-05-14, 06:27
I'm feeling kind of the same way, only I was told it was stress. I'm still not feeling that great so I'm wrestling with the idea of going in for a checkup considering I have accelerated classes starting in June and that some of my numbers were high normal on some of the blood tests. Anyone think it's a good idea or should I just wait and see?

31-05-14, 19:29
Hi there,
I think if the doc told you everything is fine- you have to try and believe that. If your symptoms get worse then maybe I'd check back.
I hear ya, my classes started this week :)