View Full Version : sharp pains, come & go?

11-12-06, 10:42
Just curious - does anyone else get sharp pains that come quickly and are gone after a second? I've gotten them for years, and I'm wondering if they mean anything. I get them in my thigh, generally, but they can happen other places too - fingers, etc.
Also, as an update, I saw my doctor. He put me on Ciraplex and also gave me some Ativan. After I saw him, I started feeling a lot better - both physically AND mentally. But, a couple days ago, my physical symptoms came back (the right side of my body went weak again.) When I was at the doctor, he INSISSTED it was psychosematic. He checked my eye just to humor me and said it was fine, I had no symptoms of a brain tumor and it was anxiety, end of discussion. So, how come my symptoms came back? I wasn't thinking about it.. could it be that I was thinking about it subconsciously? I don't know, it just scared me because I wasn't thinking about it and the symptoms were still there.. that makes them real to me. :(

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


11-12-06, 12:27
hi halfway, i definitely get these pains. i can remember having them as a child, so i guess if it was something serious i would know by now! I get like a very sudden stabbing pain, usually in my leg, by the time i grab it and say 'ow' its gone again! weird, but like i say i dont think its anything to worry about (i'm not worried anyway, and i usually am worrying about something [^])

I quite often get symptoms come back even when im not thinking about them, its upsets me, but tbh i think that its just that even though you're not directly thinking about them, you still have them somewhere at the back of your mind. Since starting cbt ive realised how much health anxiety is in my mind all the time. I thought my checking behaviour was something i only really did when i wasnt on my meds, but now my cbt is encouraging me to stop checking i realise that i'm doing it all the time without even knowing it, even though im on meds at the moment. Anxiety is very sneaky like that :(.


11-12-06, 12:44
Hi there,
Sharp pains are really annoying as mine come and go all the time too.
Usually in my chest and i worry even more once i get them and my anxiety comes on and it gets worse!
For some silly reason i get them when i just get relaxed on this chair to go on the Computer and often once i get into bed!! Really annoying!
But i tend to try and slow my breathing and breath deeply as possible until it dissapears? Doesn`t always work straight away, but within 5 mins they are gone! Always hoping it goes and doesn`t come back!!


11-12-06, 17:05
Hi Halfwayhome

I get twinges all over my body but they don't really bother me. It is the pains in my chest that are the most frightening. Sometimes sharp pains out of the blue or sometimes i feel like someone is sitting on my chest.

Very annoying and very worrying despite advice to try and ignore them!


11-12-06, 19:49
i get these alot mostly in my legs or chest. i was really scared when they first started happening imagining i was going to have a heart attack or a dvt. now i've sort of got used to them, although sometimes i still panic a little when i get one.

all the best