View Full Version : Just saw dr - he thinks my zaps might be epilepsy

27-05-14, 20:23
Well... I have been away for a while getting myself sorted and gettin married etc etc and have been feeling pretty good...

However my zaps returned last week ... I've got a description of exactly how it feels.. It feels like my eyes wonder off for a second and then I feel like I, falling, get a weird like dizzy sensation and then I get tingles down my arms

I had to go to the doctor about a few things today mainly my B12 levels which are still low so having these retested... But he asked how the zaps were and I explained them again

Now he thinks it could be a number of things... He thinks it may be some sort of epilepsy and has encouraged me to see a neurologist now this has freaked me out big time... He suggested I have a sleep deprived EEG and a normal one...

I said do you think it's anxiety and also said it may be this due to the fact the zaps started when my anxiety started... But his not sure

He also mentioned it may be my low B12...

Now surprisingly enough I'm not freaking out and haven't asked to be refered yet. I wanted to see if these zaps were common among other anxiety sufferes first...

I feel ok and he said if I'm having the zaps 5 times a day something significant would of happend by now...

I'm all a bit confused and not sure what to do... I just don't want this to trigger the spiral downwards again :(

28-05-14, 08:40
Where has everyone gone? I can feel my anxiety brewing about this and im not sure what to do...

28-05-14, 09:36
Hi fedup, I'm sorry you're finding your dizzy zaps back again. It sounds like your doctor is taking care of you though, which is good to see. You've spoken about the dizzy zaps on here before, and I'm pretty sure other people mentioned experiencing them too. Maybe have a ready back through your post history? Have you chatted with your physio and VRT therapist, and let them know that the zaps are back?

It's always best to follow your doctor's advice and have the tests they recommend. Even if it did eventually turn out to be epilepsy, it's a treatable illness and not the end of the world, and getting diagnosed and treated sooner would be good for you. Had your neurologist not already ruled out epilepsy already though?

While you're making your decision about the referral, use the exercises you're learning in CBT to thinking logically and keep the irrational worries at bay.

28-05-14, 14:11
Fedup mine has gone. To me it was definitely linked to me obsessing and thinking that it was going to come. I mean I'm not sure if what you experience is the same as mine but from past threads it does sounds similar. It usually went body movement like arm, leg, eye. Then neck/back of the shoulder tingle followed by a very quick bought of extreme dizziness? It seemed to me a mixture of muscle movement and a distortion in the way I felt my body. I don't know. I just thought letting you know mine has gone may help you :)

Good luck, I have no doubt you'll be fine.

28-05-14, 17:01
Thanks guys...
I really don't think it is epilepsy if im honest.. it started when I had this anxiety and I do fear them... hence why they probably keep on happening. ive accepted my numbness and drunk feeling and these have pretty much gone now..

The doctor said if I have been having them for 18 months and upto 10 times a day my brain wouldn't have been able to cope.. he also thinks its interesting they happen when I 'relax' so I don't get them when exercising or talking to some one or driving but when I am listening to a conversation, watching tv or reading my phone or pause at work they do happen... This is why he thinks it may be anxiety...

I am not sure what to think but im sure either way I will be fine...

28-05-14, 17:21
I am not sure what to think but im sure either way I will be fine...

You know what's really interesting Fedup? The fact that you're pretty relaxed and resolved about this.

Normally, one would be freaking and saying "I knew it!"... spiraling down etc., but the fact you're calm and resolved that this is anxiety indicates that perhaps you've known it all along? Ya think?

I think this is a turning point for you to be honest. Even if by some rare chance it does turn out to be epilepsy, it would appear to be a very mild form and treatable and you seem to be taking it all in stride anyway. I've seen it before. When someone's fears either become reality or threaten to, one resolves themselves to deal with it and often do much better than they were prior and worrying constantly.

Positive thoughts

28-05-14, 17:28
Thanks Fishmanpa... its odd something has definitely changed and don't really think it is epilepsy it doesn't really tye up to being that.. if it is, it is there's bugger all I can do and I can't walk around fearing that I will have a seizure anything could happen to be honest some one could bloodie crash into me for all I know!

I wouldn't say my anxiety has gone but my mum called me last night to run through what the doctor said and she said she doesn't want me worrying etc etc... and send me on another spiral... I was like actually mum it really doesn't bother me and its weird something has changed!

I do feel that the integrative therapy has worked remarkably well and I still have more to attend so things can only get better :)

And yes a lot of this is down to anxiety especially the fact that today I have been dizzy do you know why - the doctor telling you that will make you feel lets say - not quite right - so being dizzy today is something I will have to expect when I do get a bit worried about things :)

And thank you by the way.. you even recognising that has helped :)