View Full Version : Sorry again guys....im flapping!

27-05-14, 21:01
Hi guys....Iposted here the other day about type of pain at base of skull and also yesterday about sinus pressure without mucus.

Well im totally flapping today... earlier today as I bent over I had clear water like liquid pour out from my left nostril. (My sinus pressure was in my right side which I took two decongestant for)
so I had a complete panic as this as never happened before.
I had drs app this afternoon and explained about the head and sinus but she said none of it sounds serious and the head pain sensation is probably tension. She said my nose looks fine and prescribed nasal spray. She also said of the nose run that its clear so not to worry.

But tonight I bent over and it happened again...In didn't flap out as bad but I dr googled it.
Mostly came back allergies, sinus, polyps ans cfs leak. Which is a leak pf fluid from.the brain
And im in a complete spin thinking the worse.

Can anyone please tell me they've experianced this before im absolutely in a stew about this as this has ne happend before! (I don't have a cold and never suffered from hay fever)

27-05-14, 21:08
How much came out? I've had nose trouble lately but I don't have a cold or anything it's quite strange x

27-05-14, 21:09
Well you have not got CF that's for sure (It is present from birth).
Listen to what your doctor has told you, she is right :)

27-05-14, 21:13
Not alot really probably half a teaspoon maybe a bit less...it just dropped out everywhere

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

But annie dr google did also say head trauma could cause it but I've not had trauma or any other symptoms....I feel so stupid posting here because annie you are right. :blush: im such a stress head! :wacko:

27-05-14, 21:14
It's probably your sinuses getting rid of some rubbish and your anxiety reacted to it making you think it's something bad. X

27-05-14, 21:17
Not alot really probably half a teaspoon maybe a bit less...it just dropped out everywhere

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:10 ----------

But annie dr google did also say head trauma could cause it but I've not had trauma or any other symptoms....I feel so stupid posting here because annie you are right. :blush: im such a stress head! :wacko:

I don't know which Dr Google site you have been reading but it is not telling you the truth. Believe your REAL doctor who has seen you and examined you and told you it is NOTHING to worry about :)

---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 21:17 ----------

Oh and DON'T google again!!!! :D

27-05-14, 21:26
Thanks Annie and sam. Just need positive thoughts....corrie on +1 will help to take my mind off it...for a while
Just nice for other reassurance :yesyes:.

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

And no more googling. Instead of a swear box we should all each have a Google search box. Each time wr visit dr Google stick a quid in it :yahoo:

27-05-14, 21:27
and donate it to NMP :)

27-05-14, 21:29
Yes! Exactly....:yesyes:

27-05-14, 21:30
Defiantly agree dr Google is a defo no no he's like the doctor on the Simpson the one you would never want treating you. Yes watching trashy corrie should take your mind off things :-) x

27-05-14, 21:42

I've had awful ear/nose problems for a couple of months and am also in a right stew about it. My ears feel full and clogged, my head stuffy and my ear is ringing. My nose is almost constantly blocked and sometimes my throat hurts too. I've seen two doctores, twice and they say I'm fine. I read one thing on google about it which scared me and now I have anxiety all day about it. I'm sure your nose running is fine, just mucus, but isn't that easy to say to someone else? Just wanted so say sympathies, but even though I know most of this panic is anxiety, not reality, it's horrible, isn't it.

27-05-14, 21:59
It is awful angelika....but I can sympathise with you too. Just feel the docs are always wrong. But now u come to mention the ear thing my ears have also felt clogged. Oh we are worrisome creatures.