View Full Version : I cant cope anymore

27-05-14, 21:02
Hi im florie,

I have reached a limit and i cant keep going. Ive struggled now for too many years. Im in a very lonely place and have no where to go.
I have anxiety and depression, and only 1 person knows this and finally they got me to the doctors last week adn im on anti depressants.
but this week i have mainly been in bed and ii cant face seeing anyone or doing anything,, i just want an escape adn this all to be done with.

florie x

27-05-14, 21:04
Hi Florie, Welcome to NMP. I am sorry you are feeling so poorly at the moment. The medication takes a few weeks to kick in so hopefully you will start to feel better soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-05-14, 21:12
Hi there, I'm sorry your feeling poorly I know how horrible this can be. Unfortunately anti depressants take awhile to work you may even feel worse before you feel better but hang in there X

27-05-14, 21:13
Hi Florie
Sorry to here your going through the mill as Annie said the tablets take a little while to take effect but they will help you feel better in your self in the long run and you can always chat to people on here :)

28-05-14, 08:51
Hey Florie,

I just wanted to reply and tell you that I totally understand where you are at and you are not alone. I joined this forum a few days ago and have since found some great advice and support. There are some encouraging success stories out there which may be useful to you. Someone told me to be kind to myself whilst I am going through this and it really struck a chord with me. As others have said you may feel worse before you start to feel better but the important thing is that you have made the first step to recovery by making the brave decision to get help and secondly you have taken another fantastic step by reaching out and joining this forum. I am sure you will find some hope out there so take it easy and keep posting if you feel able.

My thoughts are with you,

Best wishes, Gem

29-05-14, 02:11
Hang on in there, see the light at the end of the tunnel, let the meds take effect

29-05-14, 21:33
Hi Florie,i am sharing the pain with you ,i feel exactly the same,i finally managed to drag myself to the docs as i couldnt go on and the drugs are making me feel so ill,i had a day off work cause i was so bad and i am getting a disciplinary for it and my partner wont talk to me at all about it,so i know what you are going through hunni,lets hold hands and hug each other xxxxxxx

29-05-14, 23:37
Welcome Florie...you have taken the first step going to your GP...what medication have you been given?
Lucky you have a friend who cares for you too...it only takes one friend to make a real difference to your life :) don't shut them out, if you feel desperate, scared, ill tell her talking really helps, the medication may make you feel worse for a few days, just rest and have plenty of hugs with your friend.
Thinking of you I was in the same place as you last week so I really know what your going through, hang in there and keep posting sending you a hug:hugs:

Catherine S
30-05-14, 01:27
Hi florie, what you're feeling now is probably the meds kicking in. Try to hang on in there and hopefully you will start to feel more positive soon. I wish you peace.


30-05-14, 02:19
Please know that side effects do PASS. (Something which I didn't know before reading my first thread on here.) Hang onto this fact, it shouldn't be more than a few weeks, and then you'll feel okay, and then it should get better from there. Meanwhile, look for positive threads and posts on here to read. Very likely there are other people on here that are taking your med as well. Ask questions as they come to you. In between, watch a fun movie or favourite tv show. Be gentle with yourself. Remember to eat regularly whether or not you feel like it, drink lots and lots of water and stay warm and as comfortable as possible. This forum was my lifeline as I went through getting stable with my med dose. Made it SO much easier, even just to learn what's going on! xx :hugs:

30-05-14, 03:03
welcome florie you will get the best help here we are a great team/family

Dolly Daydream
05-06-14, 12:37
Hi Florie. I'm new here today and came across your post. Well, I could have written it myself! It's EXACTLY how I feel (plus I have scary panic attacks) and I too have only recently after three years confessed to a friend how things have become with me. I'm approaching the end of my first month of meds, so up for review next week. Seems we're in about the same place then? Annie.